Dianamond1's ET Application

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Posts: 27
Joined: Sun Mar 27, 2022 7:35 pm
MC name: Dianamond1

Dianamond1's ET Application

Post: # 16766Post Dianamond2 »

Preferred Name: Diana/Dia
MC Username: Dianamond1
Age: 26
Time Zone: MST
Number of hours available: My work hours are the following:

Sunday - 7 AM (MST) - 4:30-5 PM (MST)
Monday - 7 AM (MST) - 4:30-5 PM (MST)
Tuesday - Weekend (Spend time with BF mostly for day)
Wednesday - Weekend (Usually free unless there are family plans)
Thursday - 7 AM (MST) - 4:30-5 PM (MST)
Friday - 7 AM (MST) - 4:30-5 PM (MST)
Saturday - 7 AM (MST) - 4:30-5 PM (MST) [Will be in effect starting August 5th 2023]

My end time depends on when I can get out due to any animal situations (they happen!) that may occur, but these are the most common hours I get out.

How long you have been playing on Toro League: I have been with Toro back in 2013/2014, and after taking a long break due to various reasons, I have been back with the community since early 2022.

Why do you want to join Event Team?: I want to join the Event Team to help not only the current staff with the large influx of member requests and story ideas, but I want to help create new and wonderful possibilities for those who are just joining the server! I am brimming with ideas, and would love to help make them a reality for all to enjoy, no matter how big or small.

Do you have any past experiences of any similar positions?: Yes. Back in 2013/2014 I was part of the Event Team for some time. I am also a part of an active DeviantArt group with my friends called PKMNSunnyLand, and I host monthly events there with moderator team discussion.

What can you bring to this team?:

1. Story Writing. I love to write stories and create scenarios, but I know any events will need to be approved / proofread in case they are a little on the larger scale!

2. Building. Currently on the building committee, too! I assisted with the S.S.Judgement build and some builds for the Hoopa Circus Arc event.

3. Redstone. I live for bringing redstone creations to life! I made the roller coaster for the Hoopa Circus Event, and made a working redstone door for the Trapinch nest.

4. Acting. In the mini events I hosted (Aurora during the Order Arc, Ralts Kidnapping from Tales of Voir, Aggron vs Kommo-o in the mountains) and slice of life rps (Cafe RP) I always try my best to include everyone and determine the best responses from what is presented.

5. Artistic Value. I love drawing, and would like to get back into it! From helping make MC skins, to Pixelmon textures, to making more posters, etc. for the server to use.

Have you ran or helped with any Toro events before?: Yes I have! The following includes:

1. Ralts Kidnapping from Tales of Voir (Player Run)
2. Aggron vs Kommo-o (Player Run)
3. Aurora Run-Ins (Shiny Snubbul at Church, Noivern Battle and Noibat Rescue)

Have you helped with any other parts of the event process?: For official events, building. For player / personally run events, building, planning and acting.

Are you capable of running or helping in events with a higher number of players?: Yes! A lot of people were involved with the Ralts Kidnapping from Tales of Voir event. I believe I handled it well for it just being me as a host, but there were a lot of players. If I recall, there were around 10 players for that one.

Are you capable of running combat-oriented events?: Yes! I have during the Ralts Kidnapping, the Noivern Battle, and the Aggron vs Kommo-o events I ran.

Now, create an event and write at least a one paragraph summary. Then, complete the following questions:
(1) Describe any effects or props that would be needed and how to implement them.
(2) Write a basic outline for a character to be used in an event. Essentially, an actor should be able to read it and become the character you want them to.
(3) Create a list of ten emotes to be used in the event.

Title: Heart of Pure Ice

Summary: A pair of Alolan Ninetales is seen frantically looking for something in the outskirts of Galena! It seems they are distressed over something ... wanting trainers to follow them somewhere! Will you follow them, to see what has them so upset...?


1. Ruined Alolan Ninetales Nest. This nest would be gently nuzzled into the mountain side where some of the trees can help block it. This would include the ruined nest, missing eggs (egg indents), and proof of the Sneasels (claw marks, battle damage, footprints leading to the campsite).

2. Poacher Yurick Campsite. This campsite would include a firepit, some firewood, some crates with hay bedding and eggs in them, including the Alolan Ninetales! It would also include a tent with a sleeping bag, some food/water, and a few scattered eggshells, as if they Sneasels have been having some snacks here or there.

3. Snowmobile. Parked a bit away from the camp, used for Yurick's attempted escape!

Character Outline: Poacher Yurick. A white haired man with an eyepatch on his left eye in the late 40's. He makes a living by hunting down Pokemon nests and using his Sneasel/Weavile pack to lure the parents away to take the eggs by force. Has been selling the eggs on the blackmarket, the underground, or to whoever will pay a pretty penny ... not caring what is done with them afterwards. He doesn't stay in one place for very long ... hence why he was never caught, yet.

List of 10 Emotes:

1. *The Alolan Ninetales continue to whine, pawing at the empty nest as trainers arrive to the destroyed den. They look to the humans that have followed them, hoping that they would understand why they have brought them here.*

2. *After searching for more direct clues as to what had happened, those who observed the markings and footprints would be able to tell that this was the work of Sneasels! However it looks like there were more than two involved with this ... how strange ... and they seem to lead somewhere!*

3. *Upon traveling through Galena's outer woods, the group would discover the campsite of what, or who, was responsible. Five Sneasel were lounging about near the firepit, while a shiny Pink Weavile would be picking her teeth with an eggshell. There seemed to be movement from within the tent, and whoever it was, was coming out!*

4. Poacher Yurick: Nicely done as always ... these Alolan Vulpix eggs will fetch a nice price, especially if they are shiny. The cute Pokemon always seem to do well for the ... higher class buyers, who want the perfect little Pokemon for their beloved children.

5. *The Sneasel go on the offensive, having heard the group! The man looks towards where his Pokemon are staring, and would point his hand forward towards everyone! The five Sneasel would rush forward, all brandishing their claws as they attempted to Quick Attack the nearest folk, the man staying back with his Weavile.*

6. *When the Sneasel are defeated, the man would begin to flee deeper into the forest, pulling on his safety goggles as his Weavile would use Hail to give them both a better chance to escape! However ... this means the eggs are now in danger of becoming damaged! What will you do?*


7a. *Those who choose to stay behind and protect the eggs are greeted by the Alolan Ninetales, who have finally caught up the group! They use their icy bodies to absorb the hail damage while protecting a few of the egg crates, the parents hoping the trainers will be able to stop the weather soon.*

8a.*When the weather ends, they start frantically looking around for their eggs, whining still as they pushed their snouts into the crates. Upon finding the crate, they would paw at it, asking for the trainers to free their children.*

9a.*As the crate opens, there are no eggs ... but two Alolan Vulpix! It seems they had hatched during the battle! The two Ninetales would gently pick up their children and put them down in the snow, licking them and making sure they were OK. Once they were, the two parents would look to the trainers ... as if giving them permission to interact with their babies, gently.*

10a. *When the parents deemed it was time to go, each parent would gently thank each Pokemon and person by gently pushing their cold nose against their hand. Once more the parents would take up their children and would begin to walk off ... seeming to head back to the nest, wanting to keep their children safe once more!*


7b. *Those who choose to go after Poacher Yurick and the Weavile, they would find them at what appeared to be a snowmobile! Yurick would point to the group again as he worked on getting the snowmobile started, the Weavile attempting to hinder the group with a Blizzard attack!*

8b. Poacher Yurick: You really believe turning me in is going to solve a world problem?! Even if I'm behind bars, it still won't help the fact that there are more people like me out there ... you may win the battle, but you won't win the war on us!

9b. *As the Weavile tanks the few attacks directed towards it, the snowmobile would rev to life! Yurick would begin the engine and swerve to grab his Weavile, seeming to just leave the other Sneasel behind with his camp. If a person was lucky enough to make a hit on the snowmobile ... surely, it would malfunction!*

10b. (If an attack lands with a 12 or more) *The snowmobile would be hit, and malfunction! The sudden stop would cause Yurick and the Weavile to crash into the snow, tumbling. Those who approached would see that the two were fine, but dazed, making for an easy arrest to bring them to justice.*

10c. (If an attack doesn't land) *The snowmobile would not be hit, and Yurick would drive off into the unknown with his Weavile ...*

What is one weakness you have that might hinder your ability to work on this team?: One weakness I have is impatience. I want to get things done right away sometimes, even if it may be an inconvenience to others. I have bettered myself at managing this, as I realize reality is always first, but I sometimes slip back into old habits and may 'pester' others for an answer regarding a certain topic or question.

Anything else we need to know: Thank you all for the opportunity, and I look forward to what the trial may be, should I be considered!

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