Sometimes there's issues with emails not being received-
If you do not get your activation / forgotten password emails then you can contact us in the Discord and we'll get it fixed!
If you do not get your activation / forgotten password emails then you can contact us in the Discord and we'll get it fixed!

Welcome to Toro!
We’re happy to have some new friends join us; to help you join we made this small guide on how to apply! If you scroll ahead you can also find a F.A.Q to answer some questions we get often.
Do not DM anybody on Discord about your application if there's delays!
You can ask for an update in #the-waiting-room if you want!
Skip to F.A.Q
Skip to Application Breakdown
What is Toro?
Running since 2013, Toro League is a serious Text Roleplay Pixelmon server in a retro-cool setting. We are a very close-knit community whose focus is fun and creativity, and the server is a canvas for you to paint your character's story on. Our goal is to give you the tools to jump into a shared world and make an amazing story. To help get immersed we have a beautiful hand-crafted map, various game-enhancing mods, a creative event team, and much more!
Whether you want an incredible Pixelmon adventure, a chill slice-of-life experience, or something completely different, we have tools for all sorts of different tastes. If you like the idea of making a story with others, join us- we will be happy to have more people to have fun with!
What do you mean by serious roleplay?
It means our focus is on creating to develop characters and stories with a group. This server is not a survival server or creative one. You may not build anywhere you'd like, you can’t mine wherever, and you can’t build homes as you like. If you’re seeking a RPG Pixelmon server where you can build a town, go through quests, craft your own rare candies, or catch legendary Pokemon- or just a place to mess with mods- this isn’t the place for that. If you like the idea of making a story or developing a character with a group that isn't going anywhere, we’ll be happy to have more people to have fun with!
If you're still a bit unsure, I recommend peeking through the F.A.Q in the second post or joining the Discord for more information!
Toro's Setting
Toro is a modded roleplay server based around an original region called Toro. It takes place in an alternate Pokemon universe before the games typically take place - infact, Canon characters do not exist here in our universe. In addition, we're set before modern times in what we describe as a ‘retro-cool’ setting; before Flatscreen TVs, Cellphones, Headphones, Music Players, DVDs, and Computers - outside of typical Pokemon use of course!
Toro is also a progressive server & country though, so wearing anything beyond a suit 24/7 is totally acceptable (just no hoodies and headphones please), and people are accepting of all, regardless of gender, race, sexuality and such!
In addition, we go for a more down to earth setting. Kids are expected to be RPed like kids - meaning that you will not find 11 year olds adventuring by themselves; or beating up bad guys. We don't have any fantasy elements outside of Pokemon, such as no MAGIC or fantasy races. You have to play as a human, though that doesn't mean you have to play a trainer! This is a rich world full of all sorts of opportunities, and you don't need to even pick up a Pokemon if you don't wish to.
New characters can come to Toro for so many different regions! To start a new life, challenge the gyms, meet new Pokemon! Toro is unique in the fact that Pokemon from all over the world end up in Toro, and, that they have their own regional forms! We recommend you get some additional goals though if you're hoping to become a Gym Leader though, or just beat the league, as there's a lot more to life here than battling!
Getting Started
1. Register on the Toro forums
You’ll need to do this to post the whitelist application! Notably, by joining our server you’re agreeing to Toro League’s Game Rules and Terms of Use.
Members must be at least 18+
1b. Join the Discord (Optional)
While you are not required to join, it’s something we recommend as the majority of the community, as well as various useful information, is on there!
2. Fill out the application!
NOTE: Currently none of the newest game's Pokemon from Generation 9 (Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet) do not exist. Additionally we have not yet worked out the lore for the new game's more specific things happening in the games, so please don't reference the new region/Pokemon or ones from Hisui in your applications at this time!
If you are confused about anything- including any terms- I recommend looking at the Application Breakdown in the third post![/b] Otherwise feel free to ask somewhere such as the Discord, peek at accepted applications, or mention it in your application.
• Please pay attention to the word requisite for the appearance (80+), biography (150+), and personality (150+) section. Biography also needs to include their hometown, the name of any other regions they have been to (ex: if they traveled/moved), and why they came to Toro. We recommend using regions featured in a core game; you can find a list of the core game regions and more information about them at Bulbapedia.
For a list of our other regions in canon, you can find a list here! If you're unsure if you meet the word count, you can search up 'online word counter' and use that.
• Skin Style Guide: We have a few guidelines to keep our server immersive! We don't have a strict dress code, Pokemon has a wide array of styles, but please avoid anything TOO modern or TOO fantasy without RP explanation! Such as: Headphones- which do not exist- or neon/enderman hoodies, Animal Parts, and looking like famous characters from Media! Lastly, we like eyes to stay close to a default style, so no 1 dot eyes, or 3 wide eyes - it can just be uncanny! There are examples in the spoiler below.
If you need help we have a channel on the discord called #the-skin-shop dedicated to helping new players with skins (they are free!)
Additionally we do allow HD skins - but with some very basic guides:
• It can be good to mention how your character got their Pokemon! It's not always necessary unless if it makes no sense- such as someone being scared of Pokemon having a scary starter- but it can be a good thing to help hit the character limit! If you want your character to get their first Pokemon in Toro, such as through a Professor, that is also an option- just note that under 'Starter Pokemon'!
• Open Response only requires you to respond to two of the three scenarios, there is a 150+ word minimum each. We do not roleplay in script style here so you should write Open Responses with proper grammar, dialogue between quotes, and write in third person. Feel free to make responses for the NPC in order to meet the length requirement. Note: Responses on the server do NOT need to be this long, this is just so we can make sure you can write in a way that meshes with the server!
• Any art used must have credits to the artist. This can be tacked on at the end or right after the piece, but it should be listed somewhere! If it is your art we ask that you include that drew it / credit yourself. If you use, and you've credited the artist on the itself, then that'll work as well as long as you have it linked on your profile! AI generated art should credited as AI Art.
• Everything must be written by yourself- AI Generated Writing is banned! We do not allow applications written by an AI, and we will be checking applications for this. We will allow AI as a tool to help people organize thoughts, or get help a little bit with wording and grammar, however it is not acceptable to have it replace yourself as the writer. If you do use it, make sure you rewrite it with your own words in your own writing style. As an RP server we will require a lot of on-the-spot writing where you will not have assistance, and we need to know you are literate enough to write coherently during roleplay.
Have a back-up of your draft or edits before clicking Submit!
We'd recommend writing it or pasting it somewhere else (wordpad, microsoft word, google docs, etc.)! This is because there's been cases of it breaking when posting, and changes not going through or your writing being lost. This can save you the trouble of having to rewrite it again if that happens!
Code: Select all
[b]-Player Questions-[/b]
Minecraft Username:
Discord Username: (If applicable! To help us contact you if we need to)
Pronouns (optional):
Where did you hear about us: (If it was from a friend it helps to say which one)
Tell us a little about yourself:
[b]-Roleplay Questions-[/b]
[ Please use your own words & You are free to delete anything of the things in ()s ]
What is meta-gaming?: (Please provide an example!)
What is power-gaming / god-modding?: (Please provide an example!)
What is retroactive continuity? (retcon): Please provide an example!)
What is Character Bleed, and how can you prevent it? :
Do you have previous experience playing on a RP server?: (This won’t affect your acceptance)
[b]-General Character Questions-[/b]
[There is a 80+ word minimum for the appearance, 150+ word minimum for biography, and 150+ word minimum for personality. But feel free to do more! [i]Your first character must come from a region that isn't Toro, you must include your character's home town[/i].]
Full name:
Age: (min 18+)
Appearance: (80 word minimum)
Personality: (150 word minimum)
Biography: (150 word minimum)
Starter Pokemon: [ You can get any Pokemon at Level 5- so first evolutions if they evolve! No Legendaries/Mythicals ]
Skin: (Please include a screenshot of the front and back or the skin itself.)
[b]-Open Response Questions-[/b]
-Write in third person!-
[size=50][Choose two of the scenarios and write a 150+ word response for each. You only need to do 2 out of 3. Responses must be written in third person and formatted like RP instead of a description. Like: ' Steve focuses on the girl with a gasp and asks, " How can I help? " ' other than ' Steve would answer the call to help the cat! Feel free to make responses for the NPC in order to meet this requirement.][/size]
You find yourself standing in a bustling town. Suddenly, a small girl runs up to you, her eyes seeming to glisten with fresh tears as her bottom lip quivers. “Please!” She cries out to you, “You must help me! My poor Meowth is stuck in a tree!” She points to a nearby tree as more tears spill out of her eyes and down her cheeks. How does your character respond?
After arriving in Toro a cheerful woman walks up to you, a clipboard in her hand. “Hello and welcome to Toro! I would like to ask where you came from and why you came, as well as where you plan to go. All for for statistical reasons of course.” she asked with a bright smile as she held a pen to her clipboard. How does your character respond?
You are walking along the road when your eyes lock onto a trainer's in the distance. At that moment, you both freeze in place. You see a glimmer in the trainer's eyes as he reaches for his Pokeball. "Go, Rattata! Show this chump what we've been training for!" the trainer shouts as he swiftly releases his chosen partner in the vacant space that separates the two of you. How does your character respond?
3. Post it to the Whitelist Applications forum and wait!
Please try to have patience with us. We generally respond within 48 hours if not sooner. We do not deny people, but we may ask for changes in order to accept you- or ask you to reapply if you are too young. Once you’ve been accepted we’ll whitelist you and make a post stating you’ve been accepted on the thread.
I got accepted. What do I do now?
You can get on the server and start your adventure! Some staff members can help replace your starter to the one you put on your application if needed; they are willing to change size, nature, and gender, as well pick a non-hidden ability. I also recommend taking a peek at the New Player Guide when you have the chance!
In case you aren't exactly sure what there is to do, here's a few things. Of course there's much more, but it's just some basic things in no particular order.

● Explore Towns
● Establish & work towards your character's dream job
● Get a home and decorate it.
● Meet with a Professor for a secondary starter & a Pokedex! [Players: Rosy]
● Capture & train Pokemon
● Find the fun easter eggs around the map
● Make friends!
You can also ask around if you have any questions or can’t find what you’re looking for, we’re happy to help!
Starter Upon Joining?
When you first join the server you'll get to choose from all sorts of starters due to how Pixelmon works. Feel free to choose any and do whatever you like with it!

Outside of roleplay, our community interacts with each other on Discord the most; a large number announcements and a lot of information is posted there! It’s incredibly active and a good place to speak with others- whether it be to find some rp, discuss your characters, or to talk about whatever! This also means any questions or problems will be brought to our attention faster there. We highly recommend joining to better enjoy our server!