New Player Guide

Admin-created or player-created; still handy information.
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New Player Guide

Post: # 13780Post Rosy »

Welcome to Toro!

After you’re whitelisted, or if you’re just returning the server, you might be confused on where to start. Here is a small guide with tips on getting starts and a primer on important info you / your character should know! If you have any more questions feel free to ask in Discord or in game!

If you still haven't been accepted yet, you can still peek through to see if this is the server for you or to learn a few things in advance. If you haven't submitted your application yet, find it here!

Table of Contents
Money / Food / Shelter
Notable Lore
Server Information

Useful Links
• Server rules •
• Command List •
• Beginner's Guide to Emotes •
• Event (and RP) Etiquette •
• Game mechanics VS IC Lore •


Outside of roleplay, our community interacts with each other on Discord the most; a large number announcements and a lot of information is posted there! It’s incredibly active and a good place to speak with others- whether it be to find some rp, discuss your characters, or to talk about whatever! This also means any questions or problems will be brought to our attention faster there. We highly recommend joining to better enjoy our server!
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[F.A.Q] New Player Guide - Beginner Resources

Post: # 13781Post Rosy »

Beginner Resources
(Money / Food / Shelter)

Toro Activities

In case you got on but aren't exactly sure what there is to do, here's a few things. Of course there's much more, but it's just some basic things in no particular order!

● Explore Towns
● Establish & work towards your character's dream job
● Get a home and decorate it.
● Meet with Regional Professor Basil [Player: Rosy]
● Capture & train Pokemon
● Find the fun easter eggs around the map
● Make friends!

Quick Money Guide

● Jobs: Your character can get a job which will give you a stable way to earn pix each week through a kit. A good way to find one is just asking around ICly about jobs and having your character share their interests- or otherwise going to a specific establishment and asking if they have anything. If you're not sure what you want them to do, you can speak with a character who works at one of the various Job Centers around Toro; they can help recommend jobs both on and off the job list that would better suit your character. These characters would be Mimi Legrand [Rosy] or Lizette Wilde [Misha]

Alternatively, you can look through the Public Job Spreadsheet yourself, but notably these are just ones actively looking to give ideas! We still recommend either of the suggestions above if none of those jobs call to you.

● Owning a Business: Any player is allowed to open their own business with a bit of roleplay. If you get an idea of something you want to do, you can speak to one of the mayors about opening a business in their town. If your character doesn’t have enough pix for what they want to do, most mayors are willing to negotiate, or you could even reach out and ask others ICly for support starting it.

● Pixelmon Drops: Most shopkeeper NPCs you see around will let you sell various drops you can get from fighting pokemon. Notably, this method of making money should not considered IC; instead you can say your character does various small jobs around Toro.

● Fishing: You can pass time and earn some pix by getting a normal fishing pole and selling them at the Fish Market in Adamas. Fishing poles are sold there, and there's some public fishing nets you can use on their beach.


Feeling hungry and not sure where to get food? Feel lost no longer! These are some places to get food around Toro. Notably there's a lot more restaurants and farms to purchase from, but these are the ones with dedicated shops; the rest you'll have to visit or contact and get food / crops through roleplay!

● Restaurants: These shops sell pre-made Harvestcraft foods for reasonable prices in shops, allowing you to quickly pick up some food even outside of RP. If you open a vshop for your restaurant / cafe, let us know and we can add it!
- Mystical Fire @ Kyurem Circle, Galena Underground
- Pupperoni @ Torchic Outlet, Carmine
- Wandering Oddish @ Verdant Hub, Viridis

● Grocers: Want to make your own food instead of buying it? You can pick up some ingredients at the following places! Notably, Harvestcraft tools like a pot or cutting board can be found at the Aurelia Department store.
- Adamas Fish Market @ Adamas Market Stalls
- Carmine Food Market @ Crystal Plaza, Carmine
- Ferrite's Bimp Mart @ Penn, Ferrite
- Mimi's Minimart @ Kingler Street, Aurelia
- Viridis Greengrocers @ Verdant Hub, Viridis

● Public Gardens: Quite a few towns have a public farm available for you to freely take from. If you do, just make sure you right click if possible- which you can do with most Harvestcraft things- or replant! Not all farms are free to take from, please only do so if you see a sign saying you're allowed to; if you don't then it's theft!
- Towns with Public Gardens: Adamas, Carmine, Canvas (Wheat Farm), Cobalt, Ferrite, Tyrian

● /kit food - You can do this once daily (once per OOC day)!

● Ask another player!: Especially if you're in the middle of a roleplay, nobody will be upset if your hunger is low and you ask for food. Generally other players have a surplus and will be more than happy to share a bit with you.

Housing Information

Your character can rent a home or apartment to live in, or even possibly own one in enough time if you work and save up enough.

Temporary Housing
● Pokemon Centers: Your character can stay in the Pokemon Centers in any town for free! Generally this can be found on the second floor or higher in most centers. It does not have secure storages, but it’s at least some place for you character to lie down at night icly. You should be able to use the Decocraft storages and such there- just can't blame anyone if it's stolen!

● Government Housing: For the first three or so weeks your character is in Toro, or until your character gets a home or job, your character can be provided a temporary apartment in Aurelia from the government. If you want this please contact a GM or the mayor of Aurelia [Stow] to help you set one up!

● Cheap Hotels: There's some places where your character can stay for cheap that's secure even if you can't decorate it or alter it much. One of these places is The Sleepy Sunflora in Canvas which costs 500 pix a season for a room- just ask Misha to set that up!

● Sprocket: In Cobalt there's a small area hidden away where people can just claim places as wanted. If there's any available places you can just walk in and claim it as your own- generally by putting a sign outside the door showing it's not available. While you can technically stay there long term, if it's used there's no guarantee your stuff still stay safe- especially without locks!

Permanent Housing
When you figure out where you want to live long-term just speak to the mayor! The following thread has a list of the various facilities and businesses found in each city and who to speak to for a home.

If you want a bigger home but don’t earn enough, something that’s always fun is having roommates for your character; talk with others and plan out something!
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[F.A.Q] New Player Guide - Server Information

Post: # 14226Post Misha »

Notable Lore

Time Progression
Progression of Toro’s time is relatively simple. Every Real Life week is an In Game season (Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall). Every Spring is a new year. Because there are 52 weeks a year, there are 13 in game years per IRL year. In addition, Toro has about 4 days per IRL day, and 28 in game days per season. Please ask a Toro Member for help if you still need further elaboration.

In addition, we have a bot (Pory the Porygon) to help you with keeping track of your character’s age. Simply run /help in the Toro Discord (preferably the Bot Channel) and you can get started.

Regions & Locations
In this server, place like France, England, Japan, and other real-life locations do not exist. However, in our universe we like to compare existing locations IRL to some of the regions in the Pokemon games based on their essence- so Kalos is would be an analogue to French. In addition, we have even created original regions too that can be compared to other real-life locations. Information on a few of the original regions can be found here.

Here’s a list of regions in our server’s universe, as well as their real-life analogues:
Mega Pokemon
In Toro Lore, Mega Stones are a semi-recent discovery founded in Toro. Toro's credited with first getting them, figuring them out, along with being the place with the most sightings. Although other Mega Stones have shown up throughout the world, although they are incredibly rare.

- To get them on server you get them through personalized events! We request that they get them after they've formed a strong bond with their Pokemon of choice, and has been seen RPing that.

But the short of it is you may have ONE Mega Pokemon per character. Once you’ve gotten your Mega Stone, message a GM so you can get your Keystone unlocked. Just be sure that THIS is the Mega you’ll want, because while there will be a way to swap your Mega, it’s not an easy process ICly, and the ETs might get mad if they have to run 4 Mega Events for your ONE character.

You can find a form here: [HERE] do say if you want a certain ET to run it, or if you've submitted it.

Quick note for IC interactions: The Term “Mega Evolution” isn’t unanimously accepted. People ICly call it different things, such as Fabulous Evolution, Evolution Plus, Burst Evolution, and so on.

These crystals, in lore, are still pretty tied to Alola. They have strict import and export laws, meaning nobody can take them out from the islands. They have found their way to Toro somehow though! Ask around ICly on how your character can acquire one.

Here’s the big one. Legendary Pokemon are NOT OBTAINABLE in Toro. With the exception of some released through special means, Toro does not allow the obtaining of Legendaries OR Most Mythicals. Legendaries in lore are considered Gods, with religions surrounding them. Not every Legendary has their own dedicated religion (Such as the Four Swords being a subset of Arceus, or the Birds of Lugia, or the Dogs of Ho-oh). If you can’t find anything in our Religion Section on it, check with a member of Lore Team to see what’s up, never just assume.

Technology in Toro is a rather tricky topic. Toro has PCs, but they're solely for Pokemon management rather than the PCs we have IRL, and we don't have the Cell Phones, just as an example. The technology is comparable to the 1950’s-1970’s eras of America/Canada in the real world. While we may have something that doesn’t QUITE fit that, such as the Pokemon technology, we are generally keeping this aesthetic for the server. The most important thing to remember is if you’re even a little unsure it never hurts to ask someone else like a Staff Member.

Evil Team
Toro's "evil team" currently would be The Order of 1000 Arms, an extremist religious group. The organization believes that Legendary Pokemon are just regular Pokemon with too much power, and that the only God is Arceus. In accordance with these beliefs, they seek to stop Legendary Pokemon from threatening the world with their power and attacks - by whatever means necessary.

Whether they're good or bad isn't as clear-cut as it seems, globally many people tend to debate over this. While most agree that their actions can go too far at times, quite a few people people think the idea of capturing and controlling the Legendary Pokemon could be beneficial. They're also known for providing humanitarian relief to areas and people that have been negatively impacted by the actions of the Legendaries, and many of the members seem to have good intentions, which makes it harder to simply call the whole group evil. The government of Hoenn and Kalos publicly supports the organization; however, not everywhere is willing to turn a blind eye to the more violent actions- the governments of Toro, Sinnoh, and Alkir has labelled them as a terrorist organization with Kanto possibly doing so as well.

Unique Pokemon / Systems

Unknown Pokemon / Systems
An important thing to note is that there are some Pokemon & systems that just don’t exist or aren't known in any way outside of people who had personal experiences in roleplay. Here’s a short list.
  • ● Genesect
    ● Black/White Kyurem
    ● Necrozma & Ultra Necrozma
    ● Lunala & Ultra Lunana
    • Ultra Solgaleo
    ● Dynamaxing
    ● Alpha Pokemon
Again, these don’t exist AT ALL, so there’s no way anyone would know about them in any form or fashion in RP, including but not limited to myths or ancient depictions. The exception is if your character has had a personal encounter or you heard about it through RP / local Toro news.

Notable Pokemon with Unique Lore
These Pokemon might be known by people but are different than normal lore! Their widely known information will be included so this can be roleplayed appropriately
  • ● Mewtwo: TBA
    ● Marshadow: TBA
    ● Solgaleo: TBA
    ● Phione / Manaphy: TBA
    ● Galar Birds: TBA
    ● Hisuian Pokemon: TBA
    ● Silvally/Type: Null: TBA
    ● Kubfu/Urshifu: TBA

Ultra Beasts
They are Pokemon from parallel worlds and only started to exist in Toro recently after showing up several IC years ago. They were known to be incredibly aggressive as there were frequent attacks in both Toro and Alola. Ultra Beasts aren't well known, and those that do know about them exclusively call them 'Paramon'.

The Paraspace Research Initiative was set up as a response. After several years of destructive and random appearances by Paramon, the crisis was averted by an expedition to the home of one of the most dangerous Paramon, and since then there have been no sightings of the creatures or the portals they come from. Toro is the center of research on the subject, and controls the only known means of access to what have been dubbed 'Paraspaces'. Public Information on them can be found here: ... sp=sharing
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[F.A.Q] New Player Guide - Have Fun!

Post: # 14228Post Misha »

Server Information

Modpack Installation Guide
The above is a link with instructions on getting the modpack installed, a list of the all the mods, and the download for the latest Resource Pack! If you still need help you're more than free to ask, there's a #tech-support channel on the discord.

Toro's Timezone
Toro is an EST (Eastern Standard Time) based server! A decent chunk of players and staff are on EST or at least close to it, so we normally mean this if not specified for an event; we try our best to note it though. There are still a decent amount of people who are out of the US or who are night owls to interact with though!

Maxing out IVs
One of the things Toro offers is maxing out the IVs of your Pokemon for free, or near maxing them out (for Hidden Power use). To do this, go to the Battle Tower in Aurelia and use the appropriate NPC to up it. If you don't know where this is you can ask other players. If a specific 31/30 spread for a specific Hidden Power is needed feel free to ask the GMs!

Obtaining Shinies
There are a few ways to get shinies on Toro, and all of them are free (in terms of real life money). You could trade with another player, catch them in the wild, or purchase them.

If you catch a wild shiny Pokemon, congratulations! Before you train it, check if you like it's size. Natural, wild caught Shiny are able to get their size changed for free - if you contact a staff before training it!

However purchasing them has some rules. In order to get a Pokemon turned into a Shiny, you’ll need to have 100,000 Pix (The in game currency), and the Pokemon in question must be freshly hatched (AKA: Level 1). What this means is Egg Moves, Natures, Abilities, Size, and Gender are all on you to get. Once you’ve bred that perfect Pokemon and have the money, contact staff/make a ticket to get you all set!

Dynamic Map
Toro has a Dynamic Map, or Dynmap to help you navigate the somewhat confusing region. Check out to use it.

While we do have a Dynmap, it’s a good idea to go more in depth with methods of getting around. Looking at the map, you can see it’s kind of big. Maybe not as big as some servers, but it’s pretty big, and can get pretty confusing. You have your typical methods of transportation, such as the use of Pokemon for land, air, and sea travel, but we also employ the use of Subways for basically teleporting between cities. All cities have a subway, with the exception of Adamas, and all Subways lead back to Aurelia, which is the Grand Central Station.

In Toro, the Gym Challenge is open for people of any age or level to participate in- eventually leading up to Toro's Pokemon League and becoming the Champion if you so desire! All of those involved- the Gym Leaders, E4, and Champion- are all other players to try and make it as engaging as possible. If you're interested in fighting the Gyms more information can be found at the following link:

Lore Team & Lore Channel
Lore Team is a group of select players and staff members who are dedicated to helping Toro make sense, but we can’t think of everything to define. As such, we have a channel in the Discord called #lore-questions. This channel is where you can post a question, or browse through the index to see if it’s already answered. Please make sure to follow the rule for that chat though, it’s not a discussion room. We have an entire section on the forums dedicated for Lore as well, right here:

If you want to talk directly to Lore Team we recommend opening a Lore Team Ticket! Otherwise members of Lore Team can be found here:

Multiple Characters
If you wish to create a new character on a new account, post a thread in the Character Profiles subforum with your new character’s profile. You have two characters per account, and you must wait for the new character to be accepted before playing them.

Where it says to put your Minecraft Name please let us know if it's a new account so we know to whitelist it. There is also no need to create a new forums account for the new Minecraft account, please keep all of your minecraft accounts on the same forums account.

If you wish to replace your old character you can either soft-reroll or hard-reroll your character. To do this create a new character profile and specify that you want to re-roll, what type of re-roll you’re doing, and the account you’re rerolling. You can more information on this under 2.6 in the server rules.

Building in Toro
While you can't build wherever, you can rent and decorate a home in one of the towns by talking to their mayor(s) OOCly & ICly! You can view a little bit of information about towns and their homes here. Otherwise, if you're interested in building anywhere else, or want to build something from scratch, you can ask a GM about it! Though, unless it's something like a small camp or a tent, it likely will not be accepted without good RP reason and until time put into the server. Even then we're cautious about people wanting land for personal use rather than a public area.

The reason for that is that we want to make sure builds fit within the setting and actually contribute to roleplay rather than have random buildings that stick out all over the place, possibly ruining one of our carefully crafted environments. Due to the fact the region is contained to a continent (and surrounding islands) rather than constantly growing with exploration like most servers, we'd rather it be filled with more interesting things to find that is approved rather than abandoned homes from people who have come and gone. Another benefit is that having people stick within cities also leads to more roleplay and opportunities!

Despite that, the map isn't static! Since it was made the map has changed and grown so much- cities changed over time, fascinating caves have opened up, islands have appeared, and even entire biomes and environments have been changed! With the limits on random building, we can make it so when people and events leave it truly meaningful.

Note, you must follow the rules of the town or location you’re allowed to build in. Generally, you’re not allowed to change the exterior of your home too much, if at all, without asking permission. Gardens and yards are okay to decorate as you wish with small things, but building a structure- such as a shed or gazebo- would require approval.

Finding Pixelmon / Object
We encourage players to ICly ask other characters if they’re looking for a specific Pixelmon for object. There are many nesting areas for Pixelmon on specific areas of the map, but we encourage players to ICly ask other characters or to explore! If you're looking for an object be sure to check the Aurelia Department store before asking!

Helping with Lore / Building / Events
Player input and suggestions are encouraged by the GMs, and if you want to help with lore you can fill out one of the forms in the appropriate thread in the Toro Lore subforum! We suggest you speak to a GM as you work on the form. If you wish to help with anything staff related such as applications, building, coordinating events, or more, you can find the applications for different staff positions here to fill out after staying with the server for some time!

Alternatively, if you only wish to do small one-off mini-events you think of, you can just contact a staff about it. We’re open to helping you create events, and a guide on creating such mini-events can be found here.
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MC name: Mishpelled

Re: New Player Guide

Post: # 15827Post Misha »

Have Fun!

If you still have more questions or concerns, feel free to bring it up by saying so in the Discord, posting a topic, PMing a staff member, or asking in game! I hope you enjoy the time you spend on Toro, and if you haven't applied yet, I wish you luck with your application!

Table of Contents
Money / Food / Shelter
Notable Lore
Server Information

Useful Links
• Whitelist Application + FAQ •
• Server rules •
• Command List •
• Beginner's Guide to Emotes •
• Event (and RP) Etiquette •
• Game mechanics VS IC Lore •

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