Toro Time!

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Joined: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:33 am
MC name: Rosy

Toro Time!

Post: # 13472Post Rosy »

To easily find the date, when you're in game you can use /torotime and it'll tell you. You can also find a post containing more info on the calendar system here!
Hello hello!

As many of you know, Toro has it's own calender and time. Well... This is tricky. Even in engineering - where we can't even go to work without converting between unit systems - there is no different units for time XD Frankly, converting between different times is a pain in the ass.

Also, figuring out how old your characters are? And keeping up with it? One of the most frustrating things.

And being a good engineer wannabe like I am, I like being lazy. So, I built a spreadsheet to keep track of all of this. And here it is!

Public Toro Time Spreadsheet

This is the public spreadsheet that everyone can use and has access too! It's got four tabs which you can nagivate at the bottom.
  • The first is Toro Time! It's the current time in Toro! Similar to /torotime in game.

    The next is Current Age. Scroll to the bottom of the long list and enter your character's birthday! It'll automatically keep track of their current age.

    The next is Age to Birthday. I hate all calculations involving a fixed time, like figuring out what's 9 hours before 3PM. Beacuse clocks are cyclical, and that don't jive with me. So, I took a simple thing and made it simpler so I couldn't screw it up >w> Put in a desired age for a character, get a range of dates their birthday can fall in.

    Lastly is Toro Time <> Real Time Converter. It's got two tools. The first is you put in a Toro Date, and it spits out the real life date that occurred. The second is that you put in a real life date, and it gives you the Toro dates that correspond to it.
However, since the public sheet got pretty messy, I took Vernon's idea and made a blank copy of the sheet! You can make your own copy by clicking the link below, going up to "File" in the top left corner, then selecting "Make a Copy..." You must have a Google account and be logged into it to do this! It will save a copy of the sheet to your google sheets, which should be found at!

Blank Toro Time Spreadsheet

Anyways, feel free to use the sheet! Try not to break it ((hopefully I've protected it correctly so that only I can edit it >w>)), but you know. As long as you do what it looks like you're supposed to do, you'll be fine~ If you have questions, feel free to ask me!

Alright, that's it guys!
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