Salsa80's ET application.

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Joined: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:48 pm
MC name: Salsa80

Salsa80's ET application.

Post: # 13155Post Salsa80 »

Event Team
Preferred Name: Salsa, Corbin, either.
MC Username: Salsa80/Rustlemania
Age: 21
Time Zone: CTZ
Number of hours available: Any.
How long you have been playing on Toro League: Little over a year.

Why do you want to join Event Team?: "I love thinking up events and getting people on the server together in one spot for wide scale role plays, it helps people bond and get to know characters and players they may have never met and otherwise never would have."

Do you have any past experiences of any similar positions?: Past servers and running events as a player on Toro.

What can you bring to this team?: [Anything and everything that you can do that makes you more useful to the team! It can be story writing, skin creating, redstone, plugins, default minecraft commands/functions, poster creating, event acting/building/planning, etc.] "Story writing I like to think I have a lot of experience in. I've been in multiple roleplay servers, and have won two short story competitions which resulting in getting published though not very wide scale. I've taken every college level writing class possible, each having top grades. Skin creating I'm pretty weak in because I lack artistic skills and will usually get a rough draft and have a friend clean up the skin for me. Redstone I'm somewhat handy in. Back in an old server I always would make redstone traps for the dungeon events I ran. Plugins I catch onto pretty fast but I'm somewhat of a slow learner when it comes to figuring them out, the same with default commands and functions. The Acting and planning I also like to fancy myself strong at. Building however, as I'm a full time college student and do summer classes, I would be weak in simply because of the time it'd take me to get a build done."

Examples: [If your skills involve something that can have examples such as skins, posters, or builds.] N/A
What is one weakness you have that might hinder your ability to work on this team?: "I generally tend to think on to broadly of a scale and go off topic of my original idea or second guess myself which can lead to the planning or writing taking longer, or a tendency to ask people for opinions."

Have you ran or helped with any Toro events before?: [Adding what event(s), or type(s) of event(s), will help us get a better idea of the work you have done.] I've done three events and about to do a fourth, as well as co-dming a small group event when it got to spread out.
Have you helped with any other parts of the event process?: [Building, planning, acting, etc.] "Building no, planning and acting however yes. I've given input to other Toro events, though if it was used I'm not sure. Acting I've primarily done in my own events as I've never been asked otherwise."
Are you capable of running or helping in events with a higher number of players?: [#+ estimated players] As many that decide to come.
Are you capable of running combat-oriented events?: I am, and have done them twice before.

It started out as a simple contest between two colleagues, Randal Green and his friend Amanda Helter both needing funding for separate projects. Amanda's was a flawless idea and design, revolutionary in the way we power our machines, a new and better power source but one that would take several years to finish. Driven by jealousy and greed Randal had one of his Pixelmon make off with the prototype engine, which in it's current stage was somewhat unstable. Not much of the trainer herself and new to the region of Toro, she recalled many times when she was told of the helpful people of Toro. Now at a radio station she calls out to the people to make hunt and recover her prototype."

(1)Describe any effects or props that would be needed and how to implement them. "Various pieces of the prototype that may have fallen off when it was stolen, and the prototype itself. They'd be implemented as either Pokeloot, or simply tossed by a GM once they're found during the events RP."

(2) Write a basic outline for a character to be used in an event. Essentially, an actor should be able to read it and become the character you want them too.
"Amanda Helter is a visionary, a Kalosian of 35 who's a nervous little thing of pale skin and bright blonde hair and dark brown eyes, hair always tied back in a pony tail. She started out as an engineer and was later proven to be smart enough to work with top scientist on developing machine upgrades and ultimately thanks to her ideas, power sources for the future. She sometimes talks to quick, especially in large groups. She's also quick to trust and thank the wrong people.

(3) Create and attach a skin of a character within the event.

(4) Create a list of ten emotes to be used in the event or create a poster that could be published via the Forums that would get players interested in the event.
A broadcast sounds over the radios and speakers across Toro, a somewhat quiet shaky female voice a little to close to the mic. "Hello? Hello, yes, uhm, my name is Amanda Helter. I'm a scientist working with Pixco and uhm, well it's no secret how helpful Toro's people are and I'm in a uhn, a tight spot you see...If everyone that is willing could meet at Pixco...-" The radio cuts off a little to early.

The young woman beams at the people gathered. "Thank you all very- v-very much for uhm, coming to help...Yes."

As the group approaches there's clear signs of a struggle, one man unconscious, and various scraps littered across the ground.

The Pixelmon in question, an Alakazam, is spotted, the prototype levitating over it's head.

Another fallen part of the prototype is found, a battery of sorts from the looks of it.

It's hard to tell if he's ugly or handsome with his plain face, pointed nose, and greasy black hair.

As the man runs off, he trips, contents of his lab coat spilling on the ground. He shouts something back at the group- "You'll never find me!"

The contents of his lab coat include a pair of keys, a map, and a wallet along with a lanyard with an ID card.

The party finally comes to a rough shack with a broken window, a final fallen piece of the prototype seen by the door. It seems Randal forgot to pick that one up on his way inside.

"Thank you all for helping me- I-uhm- we-well you see..." The blonde woman looks at the ground and tugs at her hair slightly. "I forgot to uhm- get a proper reward for all your hard work-I-well-Would a demonstration be enough? If not I'm sure I could find something to give everyone..."

Other: Rosy and KC are nerds.
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Re: Salsa80's ET application.

Post: # 13222Post kcband36 »


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