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Toro Star Wars: The Stream: The Poll

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 1:10 am
by Macecurb
Hello people of Toro!

As some of you might know, I am a massive Star Wars nerd, and as such I'm super-excited for the release of The Force Awakens on the 18th of December. So, in celebration of this multi-media monstrosity that I attribute way too much importance to, I will be streaming every Star Wars movie on a regular schedule in December!

So, to clarify a few things before anyone has a chance to ask questions:
  • This is not a part of regular movie night, nor will it be replacing regular movie night for December.
  • I'm doing this entirely because I want to.
  • I will probably be showing Harmy's Despecialized Editions of the original trilogy, because, again, I'm a huge nerd.
  • I will be showing the movies in either Machete Order, which is: IV-V-II-III-VI, or Modified Machete Order, which is IV-V-I-II-III-VI
So, you may be wondering why this poll exists. Well, the simple truth is: I don't especially want to show Phantom Menace. Some of you may disagree with that decision, so I'm putting it to a vote! This poll will run probably until this weekend, as I'd like to show the first movie on the first of December.