Skol's ET-A App

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MC name: Skolarr

Skol's ET-A App

Post: # 9623Post Skolarr »

MC Username: Skolarr
Age: 20
Time Zone: ETC
Number of hours available: All day, everyday. ('cept when I sleep, of course)
RP Name: Susan Genovese
RP Age: 24
Are you in any leadership positions in-game? Yes. Susan currently runs and manages the Cobalt Museum. While it isn't exactly a leadership position I suppose, I do take pride in the Museum and working on expanding its collection.

Define meta-gaming, and give two examples.
Meta-gaming is when you take info given to you OOCly, and use it ICly.

My first example of this is let's say you and a friend are discussing a characters backstory over skype PMs or something. Meta-gaming would occur if suddenly, your character knew about this characters backstory just because you as a player, knew about it.

My next example is...say that you're browsing the dynmap, and you happen to see a bunch of players playing Team Noir grunts out in the middle of nowhere. It would be 'meta' if your character stormed over there, looking for a fight without any IC indication or annoucement that they were in that area.

Define power-gaming, and give two examples.
Power-gaming is when your character forces an action onto another player's character, and don't give them a chance to defend against the action, auto-hits, or just instantly incapacitates that character.

For an example. Let's say person A and person B got into a fight, and person A decided to power game.
A: -gets ready to fight-
B: -prepares to defend self-
A: -pulls out a knife and stabs it into B's throat, instantly killing them-
In this senario, person A gave person B no chance to react or defend themeselves against being killed, and thus, is power-gaming.

My next example is lets say there is an event going on involving a legendary Pixelmon, and they attempt to RPly capture it. It would be power-gaming if they pulled out a pixelball, tossed it and emoted. "Person A tossed a Pixelball, ensnaring the legendary Pixelmon and quickly capturing it in the ball.". Granted there are several things wrong with this (like being able to capture a legendary in the first place) but the point here is that it would be power-gaming to assume that your ball would just instantly capture the pixelmon in question if it was one being controlled by an event actor.

Explain the difference between IC and OOC.
IC stands for 'in character'. Actions taken 'ICly' means that those are actions that your character is taking.
OOC stands for 'out of character'. Actions taken 'OOCly' refers to actions that you, yourself are taking as a player. Like for an example, talking about plot things OOCly. Meta-gaming occours when attempt to meld OOC knowledge with IC knowledge for personal gain.

What can you bring to the Actors team?
I consider myself a decent RPer who can play a wide range of characters. An example of this would be my two characters; Susan Genovese, and Leann Murray. Susan is a shy, quiet girl who enjoys keeping to herself and reading, while Leann is an outgoing, friendly reporter who isn't afraid of adventure. I consider these two to be polar opposites of each other, and I've been told that I rp these two out quite well.

I also have a vast experince with RPing, in my lifetime, I've rped out many differnt kinds of characters. I pride myself on being able to effectivly flesh them out, and play them effectivly.

What is one weakness in yourself that might hinder your ability to work on this team?
I will admit it takes me a bit to get into character. Like...I actually need to play the character to get a feel for them rather than just reading notes, telling me how the act and whatnot. I guess its kinda like actual acting, where you need to reherese your lines to get a feel for them and to be able to play your assigned character out well...if that makes any sense.

Create one unique idea for an Event you would like to create and be a part of as an Event Actor. Minimum of two paragraphs, specifically including information about event-only characters

An idea I've been mulling is over is basically, there would be a decent sized earthquake in Toro that would've opened a decent sized fissure by Aurelia, which would spew out quite a few angry ground types that were upset by the earthquake. So, what would happen is that the event character would be a Geologist, who says that the source of the earthquake is somewhere underground, inside the fissure.

He would lead a party of players down the fissure, and into the underground depths of Toro to find the cause, which would be a rather large ground type (Maybe a giant Rhyperior?). The player can either investigate to see what upset the ground type, or simply fight it to make it stop once and for all. The Geologist guy would suggest that they look around to see what caused the Ground type to become upset.

Further investigation would reveal that either Team Noir activity or something else would've upset it.
Previous experiences: Well...If it helps, I was in the drama club back in highschoool?
Other comments or concerns: As always, if you have anything to ask or any comments you have for me, feel free to hit me up on skype!
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Re: Skol's ET-A App

Post: # 9645Post Tdf88 »

Eeeeverything looks good to me! Rp test and interview went just fine, and I see no problems whatsoever. Welcome to the Event Team!


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