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AxeShine's ET-A Application

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:57 am
by CrankyZygote
MC Username: AxeShine

Age: 17

Time Zone: EST

Number of hours available: 3+ but more on weekends since I am not in school.

RP Name: Zakhaev Sergei Nostrov

RP Age: 48

Are you in any leadership positions in-game? No, but Zakhaev is a surgeon at the hospital.

Define meta-gaming, and give two examples: Meta-gaming is self explanatory. Meta means beyond and gaming is obvious. Beyond gaming. You are using information beyond the game to alter or enhance something to your advantage.

Ex 1] You are on the server and you read someone state some details about their character. In the OOC Global chat You decide to use this to your advantage and use that information Icly. You would be meta-gaming.

Ex 2] You are walking down the street when some text pops up on your screen. You don't see anyone around, so you look down and see that some people are in a basement or in a sealed building. You notice that what they are saying is about the downfall of your character, so you begin to make your character react to it. He begins investigating and setting up defenses against this threat, or acting differently to try to fix the problem. That would be meta-gaming because there would be no way that you character would have been able to hear what they said, and you made him react to that information.

Define power-gaming, and give two examples: Power-gaming is a little less self explanatory. It is the act of being perfect and having an advantage in most everything you do. A common definition is having a godlike character, though that isn't always the case.

Ex 1] You are walking down the street when someone emotes jumping out of an alleyway and pulling a knife on you. You don't want your character to get hurt, or just want to look awesome, so you emote: “Billy reaches out and grabs the man's wrist and disarms him before stabbing him with his own knife”. You would have forced three actions on the player without consent or without giving them time or permission to react. You would have grabbed the wrist, which he could have avoided, you would have broken his wrist, which might not be possible, and you would have stabbed him, which could have been avoided.

Ex 2] You are wanting a character that can be independent so you decide to make him/her proficient at all things. Or, you could make him/her proficient on only a few things, but those few things cover a general area of things. An alternative is something I have seen that goes along the lines of: Your character has no previous statement in the character profile or application about combat experience, but you know your character has none. Your character is about to go into a fight, and then somehow he/she knows all different types of advanced moves. After the fight is over, people ask you how your character knew them, so you make up a story about how his hitmonlee trained him. No one can disprove that, but it would still be power-gaming and retroactive continuity.

Explain the difference between IC and OOC: IC stands for In-Character. It is when you are Rping as the character you created and applied as. OOC stands for Out Of Character, and it is when you are speaking as yourself. OOC can be used in the OOC Global chat or by placing parenthesis around your message in the IC chat.

What can you bring to the Actors team? I can bring a good vocabulary, a serious, positive attitude, and what I believe to be a good knowledge of how to RP and its functions to the team. I have a good amount of time I can give and would love to learn more about the Toro Lore. I can bring a will to help.

What is one weakness in yourself that might hinder your ability to work on this team? I am shy. I don't talk a lot OOCly and I don't talk about myself at all really. I'm growing more comfortable to this community so I believe that is fading. Another thing that may be considered a weakness is that this is my little brother's account, so I may have to get off in random intervals or may not be able to join for a few days at a time.

Create one unique idea for an Event you would like to create and be a part of as an Event Actor. Minimum of two paragraphs, specifically including information about event-only characters

An idea I had while thinking on this is Olympics. I don't know if Toro has had any type of Olympics before, but it seems like it would be incredibly fun. I don't know how long events usually last but this could last a few days and hold a good amount of avitivies. These could be marksmanship, swimming, ice skating, marathons, pixelmon battles, pixemon races, agility, boxing, archery, weight lifting, I've seen that science is a popular subject around here so maybe science. There could be different prizes, bets, and medals that the players could win. People could even enter representing their home region!

There would be a few event characters, some of which could be other athletes, but the most used ones would be the announcers.


Robert Tipson – One of the two main announcers for all of the activities. He would hail from Unova and have a very ecstatic personality. He is very generic looking man and will wear the same suit with a mustard stain on the collar throughout the event. He is very excitable and will continually scream into the microphone at tense points in the activities, like those crazy soccer announcers. Ex:

Tiffany Drawbeck – She is the second of the two main announcers and would also hail from Unova. She would be very calm, directly in contrast to her associate, Robert. She would have a very soothing voice, and would be announcing the more artistic and low key activities, such as ice skating, swimming, and marksmanship. She would be akin to a radio host reviewing a very boring book in a monotone voice, unexcited by most things. She would be a petite girl with short brown hair, blue eyes and rectangular glasses, sporting a pencil skirt everywhere she goes.

Gerard Liston – Gerard would be an athlete from Kanto and would be part of the marathon class. He would be very leaned back and outgoing towards the other athletes. He would have blond hair, green eyes, and will constantly be seen wearing a gray tank top and yellow shorts.

Tamara Brailon – She would be from the region of Kalos and would be her regional pixelmon champion. She would be coming to Toro to test the limits of the strongest that Toro has to offer. She would look like a librarian from planet Bureaucracy with a sharp look to her face, giving her the appearance of hostility. She would have brown hair tied up in a bun, brown eyes, and have the horn rimmed glasses commonly seen on the book guardians. She would have high leveled, EV trained pixelmon, tailored to be a tough challenge for anyone who would dare take it. Her tongue is sharp and her attitude is honed to a point, so watch out!

Breston Koge – He would be from the region of Hoenn and would be a tall, dark skinned fellow. He would be incredibly muscular would be an athlete who would be competing in the heavy weight class of boxing. He wouldn't talk very much and would be seen in the gyms or punching a bag for most of his time here. Winning would be the only thing on his mind.

There can be other characters made for each activity, but these could be the most used ones. I don't know how many actors there are but they could be divvied up. I know for a fact I would love to play as Robert Tipson. But there is my idea.

Previous experiences: I've been a mod on a starbound server, but nothing more than that.

Other comments or concerns: I previously applied for RP trainer but they had been removed, so I'm applying for this! This seems like a lot of fun and a way I can help, so I hope I wrote good.

Re: AxeShine's ET-A Application

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 3:32 pm
by atonofkittys
Hello there, AxeShine! Thanks for taking the time to fill out the application! It's wonderful, by the way. Very nice job! I would like to talk to you further about your application and set up an interview time and RP test, so if you have a Skype, you should add me at "a_ton_of_kittys". Thanks again!