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Anle Mei Hong- Villain Application [10/10]!

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:44 pm
by MystiaLorelei
General Questions

MC Name: Mystia_Lorlei

Character Name: Anle Mei Hong

Character's Age: 26

Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

Why do you believe you are such alignment?
In short why is Anle now Neutral Evil? She has no qualms doing deeds reviled by society, her youthful feeling of adventure and excitement was ripped from her in its prime and forcefully cast aside to ensure her survival, she is an expert wearing a metaphorical mask, she can be unnervingly convincing when pushing a point to willing ears, and she holds no moral issue with lying for self or group gain. She seeks brotherhood/Sisterhood with like minded individuals that desire to , in her mind, break free from the chains of economic slavery and forge a world in their image. Regardless of petty status quos, she feels as if there is helpless as if there are no alternative, and this door is the sole pathway before her. When you take away everything from a human, and back them into a corner overlooking the precipice of their own mortality, they will lash out violently, and rage back against the handlers.

Character Race: Human

Have you read and are familiar with all server rules and villain rules? I have indeed~

What specific evils does your character plan on commiting? List the number of each Evil you would like to be considered for, and specifically when/why you need them:
1) Theft and Breaking and Entering
Anle, having owned no property herself, has little to no respect for that of others, she sees those with items or things that she needs or wants, as merely obstacles that stand between her and her goals. Unlike others, she has no qualm causing wanton theft and damaging property if it suits her goals or desires. If Anle knew someone held some information inside an office that could potentially damage said individuals image within the region, she would not hesitate the have her hulking Golurk sunder the doorway apart and tear a room apart to find what she desires, material objects hold little meaning to her and in some cases represent her view of oppression from authority.

2) Arson/Destruction of Property
The Same for the prior listed deeds, Anle would care little for the property of others, in the end she views it all as the property of what she views are Oligarchs, as such she desires strongly to bring down the establishment, either through clever words and proud speeches, or through brutal and crass pitchforks and torches, she views some establishments as physical representations of corruption and abuse, namely corporation centers, political nests, or anything that she perceives as the overly-wealthy abusing their income for personal gain.

3) Chaos/Deception/Conning
Anle can be a persuasive speaker when she is allowed to speak freely, her silver tongue could sway a crowd if allowed to speak, she possesses a keen intellect, she has a sharpness and a world savvy-ness that would rival many well trained and traveled individuals. She enjoys inciting others into action more so then her own personal desire for it, If she can and sees an opportunity to rile a already agitated crowd up into a raging mob, she will gladly step in and work to stoke the fires of anger and rile them up into a frenzied mob. She also lacks any sense of honesty when it comes to those she dislikes or believes to be part of an overarching whole. She will gladly lie, fabricate and deceive anyone she views as unable to keep up with her and her mental cognition.

What sort of Villain are you looking to be?: The Cold and firm organizer, someone who is willing to inflict chaos and destruction out of personal hatred and loathing for the establishment, Anle is akin a soldier, forced to war, but upon their return they find their work in ruin, they are filled with a sense of loss, like an alien arriving on a new world, she has nothing to loss by throwing herself into her pursuit of chaos and destruction. Her motivations are simple, those that have, have stolen from those that have not, as twisted as it is in her eyes, she uses this as validation and to play her image off as a savior figure, struggling against the oppression of the overlords.

Why do you as a player wish to play a villain?: In short, I desire to be a villain for two reasons primarily, The first being, it is a natural flow for my character, she has had an unnaturally rough three year absence, much has changed since she first set foot on the island years ago, she has a unbridled hatred for authority and those that wield it. The second being, To be honest? Its fun being a villain! With the server seeming to lack a organized villain force at this juncture... it seems viable and a civic duty to provide the community with an organized and devoted villianous faction or group, so that we can better drive roleplay and keep the stories moving and prevent stagnation!

Biography: (3-5 paragraphs)
Anle upon her original arrival was youthful, a bit reclusive and fondly loved her Pixelmon and strove to try and blend into the society of the region, despite being clearly non-native. She struggled for the duration of her stay to better herself and those around her, her sorrow at the abuse of pokemon and the neglect they receive breaking her heart at each turn. Her singular chance at redemption, a position within the Governmental block of the region was sharply stolen from her, once various monolithic individuals manipulated the system and forced her to be cast from the region and back into the nebulous and violent conflict that waged in her homelands.

For three years she was forced to endure the hardships of her homeland, fighting to stay alive, and keep afloat in the wartorn homeland. Several months into her exodus she was forcefully conscripted into the nationalist forces, the brutality and cruelty of war sharply changed her, the innocent and soft spoken girl, was sharply reforged on the anvil of strife, she became cold, callous, her once dulcet tones, reshaped into a tongue of silver, dripping with the sweet and nebulous venom of deceit and apathy. The conflict in question had been raging well before Anle had arrived on the island for the first time, but over the years, what started as simple protest eventually escalated to open-warfare, the constant hardships and unending clashes, rapidly dropped the population of both Pixelmon and humans. The frequency of Ghost Pixelmon skyrocketed dramatically, at the close of the third and final year of Anle's presence within the wartorn country, an unnatural peace and silence had settled over the land, the clouds choked with ash and debris from the constant battle, wilting crops and driving countless multitudes from their ancestral homelands. Anle stood silently overlooking a pitted and broken stone embankment looking at the mud slogged fields that they had fought for... And something broke within her, something that she held dear to her heart was now gone, her home was all but ruins... The Pixelmon had fled the region in droves, and those that had stayed where impounded into service or forever more extinguished from this realm. She received her ribbons.... her commendations and her praise, but she was no longer the same quiet and shy girl she had been... and never again would she know this feeling... as it would seem.

Her return was marked with a cold malice, those whom forced her from these lands are now hidden or departed, only a cold brewing bitterness remains, while able to stomach the feeling, her jaded view has cast all of those within the realm of authority as tyrants and cur in need of stamping out. Her military experience and lessons learned at the close of the civil conflict, tempered her body and mind into one of ridged efficiency and poisonous deceit. She was willing to do whatever it took, to find her lost wonder of the world.... and in her eyes that means tearing down all that the privileged have and setting it alight before their eyes, Her voice would be heard, Either willingly, or by the fear of her name....

What moral boundaries does your character have, if any? Anle's moral compass is very much askew, she sees no qualm in assaulting an individual, their property or their pixelmon if the message she is attempting to send fails to get across, She will lie first, attempt to sway them with her silver tongue, and failing that.... The only thing she will NOT engage in is murder, she will never take the life of an innocent human or pixelmon under any situation, no matter how angry she becomes, BUT she does draw a fine line between murder and killing, Killing in her eyes is merely an unfortunate repercussion of someone else's resistance. While she won't murder the innocent, she will work to kill those that actively seek to end her own life or force her into a corner with no escape.

What are some notable strengths of your character? Anle is firm, resolved and HIGHLY self motivated to reaching her own goals and objectives, she actively works and seeks out to build or enlist in a team or organization that would help her move further and further towards her goals. She is a strong team player, and knows fully of her own weaknesses and uses and enlists others to cover or amplify her own abilities, in short Anle works for the team

What are some notable weaknesses of your character? Anle is not the most able nor experienced trainer in the world, she has some but it may or may not be viable against the skilled or talented, She is also fiercely sentimental, she will never leave a companion behind no matter the cost, she is firmly loyal to her team and those that follow her or to whom she follows. This heavy devotion to her team may cause her to act against the better judgement of the situation, she also severely lacks a sense of self-preservation, her overly aggressive protection of her own brother/sisterhood may cause her to be put into situations where she may not be able to escape....

Is your character loyal or does he/she turn around and back stab people? To what extent?
Anle is fiercely loyal to her companions, and while cold and cruel to the outside world, those that earn her loyalty and care will have so unwaveringly, this has its pro's and con's, but regardless of outcome Anle, once stuck into a fight with her friends, will not depart till they all depart with her.

Open Response
Answer these five questions IC as if you were accepted for the evils you applied for. We will be watching for power-gaming, meta-gaming or anything unrealistic.

You hear the doorbell ring outside your door and head to open it. An angry looking woman with a large machoke you can only assume to be a bodyguard, stands at the door way. She begins jabbing a finger at your chest and threatening you to pay your rent. What do you do next?

Anle would merely standby and listen to the women rant and yell, nodding along apathetic as she mentally works to piece together a plan or course of action, She would work to soothe the irate women and assure her that the rent would be paid on time, she would use her charm and clever wit to encourage the women to trust her, by giving her a spin tale of woe and sorrow, it would be heart-breaking, BUT she would keep it believable and convincing. Citing the lack of jobs in the economy.

If Successful, during the wee hours of the night, she would go about and work to demolish the items that she does not own within her apartment, she would reek as much destruction as possible in objection to her land-lady, and if able she would use her massive bruiser Golurk, to deal damage outside of her apartment and damage the goods of every tenet she could, in short, she would attempt to raze the building, or cause enough damage to severely set the land-lady, or her insurer back in repair bills, before vacating the building and never returning.

If Not Successful, She would simple threaten the Land-Lady straight back, having faith in the sheer brutish nature of her Golurk she would actively seek to start a altercation aiming to drive the women off and work to escape. Evading and outwitting the police or crime response forces, In the end, the women would be on her list... and her property would be targeted by Anle until she feels her retribution is sated.

While staying at a nearby inn, you happen to overhear two men talking about a heist. You can't make out too many details but they seem to be struggling to find another member to help. What do you do next?

She would approach them casually and start simple small talk, actively dropping hints of her interest in joining said event, She would, if successful, go along with the pre-decided plan, actively working with the criminals to heist whatever it is that they want, though if she feels that the situation has swung away from her favor she would hold no qualm turning sharply on her former allies, and looting them instead, Anle's loyalty does not extend to those that have not earned her trust nor companionship.

An old woman has fallen down on the route. She calls for you to help her. You noticed she has nothing but a purse on her but littered around her feet are fainted Pixelmon. What do you do next?

She would come to a halt, and pause, taking in the scene and trying to ascertain what exactly happened, working to figure out if, the pixelmon attacked the old women, or if she attacked the pixelmon, regardless of either outcome, she would come forward and proffer a hand over to her, assisting her up and ensuring that she could make it back to town, and upon her departure she would attempt to loot the Pixelmon, and attempt to smuggle them back to her hiding place

Team Noir strikes again! You were walking along the route when up ahead you notice a pit hole trap where voices are screaming for help. Two people dressed in black and red stand over the hole and laugh maniacally. What do you do next?

Having actually been searching for Members of the Illusive Team, she would make her way over to the duo, and tilts her head curiously nodding at the work they had done, "I assume there was some grandiose scheme behind trapping some fellows in a simple dirt hole, correct? You are aware your standing abroad on an open route, correct?" she would work to weasel her way into the trust of the duo, on the off chance they are the reasonable sort and can be negotiated with,"Come now... Tell me why you trapped those people down below... have they any importance to anything, they seem too normal..." possibly trying to convince them to free those in the pit and find a way to arrange a meeting with the head of the Team or a recruiter failing that, she would agree to cover for the duo in exchange for their help.... Failing that and if they where in fact just mindless grunts doing a victory dance over some silly accomplishment, she would happy attempt to use her Golurk to toss the duo into the pit with their captors, before wiping her hands of the matter and strolling off, citing that her lack of rope keeps her from being able to save all those now in the hole.

A while walking along the sidewalk in Aurelia, a boy in his early teens bumps into you. He has an air of arrogance and he scowls at you only for a moment before continuing to walk. When you pat down your jacket pockets, you've noticed your wallet missing. What do you do next?

She would stoicly come to a complete halt, "Mhmmm... I sense that something in its place... is now removed.." she would turn about and attempt to watch where the child had run too and calmly pursue him, she would deploy her Gengar to track him "Yaomo... I have need of your services... come find me this child...", her Gengar would bounce merrier away working to backtrack his route all the way to his home, upon her arrival she would attempt to sway the child to give back her wallet, indicating its disrespectful to steal from others, she would offer to help the child earn money for food if that is why he stole her belonging, she is not unsympathetic to those in need, she would try and negotiate her belonging back... But if the child merely stole the wallet for the sheer malice of it....

Having Failing to convince the child, she would wait till the witching hour each night... And proceed to send her Gengar, Haunter, Or Chandeluer, and for the heck of it Golurk, All ghost types... To take lovely turns attempting terrorizing the child, haunting him at the eve of night and keeping him from sleeping... All the while she would attempt via the use of imagery conveyed by her Ghost pixelmon, that he must return the wallet or face harsher consequences. She is certain that a steady stream of dream-eating and lack of sleep would drive anyone to obey the whispered commands of her ghastly pixelmon....

Re: Anle Mei Hong- Villain Application [0/10]

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:11 pm
by EpicKetchup
Do you know the applicant IC/OOC?
IC: Yes! We work together as a team in schemes. >D
OOC: For a couple of years!

Do you think the applicant will follow the VA rules?
Definitely! She's not one to break rules.

Does the applicant break character and bring OOC into RP?
Only when she needs to "BRB" or "AFK", denoting her absence with double brackets. Otherwise, never! She stays in-character when she is roleplaying. IC is IC, and OOC is OOC for her.

Would the applicant willingly put herself into a situation where they would might not win?
Anle isn't stupid. She holds a keen intelligence and attempts to make use of her mental skills to her fullest capacity. While Anle will do her best to not be caught in such a situation, there will be circumstances and factors that are completely out of her control that might lead to a losing battle - if that is the case, then I know for sure that Mystia will 'go with the flow' and humbly accept defeat. After all, RP is a story to share, not a game to win! In addition, her steadfast loyalty to her teammates will more than likely be a burden to her - it is her 'weak link', so to say. I can see that if anyone properly exposes this weakness, they will have managed to trap Anle in a position where there will be no victory for her.

So, in short - while the character is highly unlikely to deliberately fall into a simple trap that's easily seen through, the player behind the character will not 'play to win' and will admit defeat if her character is manipulated into a loosing position.

Is the applicant's RP generally fun for everyone?
I personally enjoy roleplaying with her. And I do know that there hasn't been a complaint lodged against Mystia now, or back a few months ago - it would be quite well-received to my knowledge! I also know that a few months back, she was about to become the Mayor of Aurelia - she managed to rally enough support for her through IC meetings and discussions and speeches.

Are the evils chosen for the character relevant to the character? If not which ones?
Thanks to the 'time-skip' and Anle's changed personality, I can confidently say that the evils chosen are very relevant to the character. Mystia has also explained quite well why her character would commit these evils as well as some examples of what she would do to commit these evils.

Please provide a screenshot (s) of an RP session with the applicant.
Could I, uh.... take a raincheck on this? ^ ^;; If I'd known that Mystia wanted to be a villain along with me, I would have saved screenies of our Pixelmon battle yesterday...

EDIT: Wait. Does this work? It's the same screenshot that Mystia used for my own Villian application, but it does show her RPing as well. ... bc9972.png

Re: Anle Mei Hong- Villain Application [5?/10]

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:43 am
by MystiaLorelei
Thank you kindly for the vote of confidence ^^ And thank you to those voting! already half way there! I am humbly grateful for your all's trust ^^

Re: Anle Mei Hong- Villain Application [10/10]!

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:44 pm
by MystiaLorelei
As of 3/11/2014

My points reached 10/10

A Moderator has been messaged ^^ Thank you kindly to those who voted yes!

Re: Anle Mei Hong- Villain Application [10/10]!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:23 am
by haveyouseenmyhat
My apologies for the delay! This application topic will now be locked for review~


P.S. It's good to have you and EpicKetchup back!~ :3

Re: Anle Mei Hong- Villain Application [10/10]!

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:32 pm
by haveyouseenmyhat

Thank you for applying!~

P.S. Again, sorry for any delays and inconveniences~