It only took a few hundred years, but here it is.
MC Username: Tdf88
Age: 19
Time Zone: US EST
Number of hours available: Uh...Most of them. Except I'm pretty unreliable on Saturdays.
RP Name: Thomas Bryant and Abigail Bryant
RP Age: 26 and 4
Are you in any leadership positions in-game? Yep! Tom is the mayor/gym leader of Adamas and head of the honorary lesbians
Define meta-gaming, and give two examples.
Meta-gaming is using information obtained out of character to influence decisions made in character. Two examples of this would be:
1: You and a search party are looking for a certain individual. Given the current situation your character should have absolutely no idea where this person is. However, you look on the livemap and can now see the exact location of the individual, and you make a bee line right for them without any IC explanation or justification.
2: You and your character really hate this other character, Bob. Earlier today you learned out of character that Bob is allergic to peanuts, and so later your character purposefully feeds him peanuts knowing that Bob is allergic. However, only you should know Bob is allergic to peanuts. Nobody ever told your character;he should have no idea regardless of how much we all hate Bob.
Define power-gaming, and give two examples.
Power-gaming is forcing a character into a situation in which they have no way to respond or react to your rp. Two examples of this would be:
1: You have finally come to blows with the evil scourge that is Bob. You draw your sword and charge at him, but then the person playing as Bob emotes: Bob stops you mid-charge, takes your sword and breaks it in half. Then he stabs you with both parts of your broken sword and kills you instantly. You have no way to react to any of that, when you should have had at least some control in how that was going to play out. Instead, you're dead and can do nothing to stop Bob's reign of terror.
2: After Bob killed your character, you emote My character emerges as a zombie right under Bob's feet. He bites Bob on the leg, then grabs him and immediately drags him into the pits of the underworld, where he will toil in the abyss of Tartarus forever. Bob has absolutely no way to react to that kind of emote. Now you're acting just as bad as Bob would act. Way to go, champ.
Explain the difference between IC and OOC.
IC is when you're speaking and behaving as your character would, whereas OOC is speaking and behaving as your personally would. IC is your character, OOC is you, outside of rp.
What can you bring to the Actors team?
Much of the same!
But seriously. I just want to help the staff out. I love this server and I want to make it as fun as possible. Making the world seem more rich with people, creating mini-events... I just want to give people something to do in-between the gigantic events, and then occasionally participate in the aforementioned gigantic events. I'd like to think I'm a solid B actor, so...
What is one weakness in yourself that might hinder your ability to work on this team?
One weakness of mine is that I'm constantly worrying about my combat rp becoming powergamey... even at times when it's not. I suppose another weakness of mine is that I'll occasionally get lost in massive walls of text, which are pretty common in big events. My biggest weakness by far is my scheduling. I can be available for most days at most times but when the semester starts it's unlikely that I can be online on Saturdays, which is a problem because our events tend to be on Saturday. This is why I'd probably do some mini-events during the week just to give people something to do.
Create one unique idea for an Event you would like to create and be a part of as an Event Actor. Minimum of two paragraphs, specifically including information about event-only characters
We had talked about this before but it never really went anywhere, so I'm taking it somewhere.
There are a lot of Ursarings and Teddiursas that spawn in Adamas. A lot. I figured we can do an event with them. Say, it's Ursaring mating season. In order to prove their feats of strength and mating potential they become increasingly aggressive and territorial, and Adamas just happens to be within a lot of territorial disputes. There's a warning coming from one of the broadcast towers to steer clear of Adamas, because it's Ursaring mating season and the town is being ransacked by a large group of aggressive, territorial Ursarings. Naturally because people are told not to go somewhere, they're going to go. They'll find the town preeeetty messed up, and the bears are angry. This is probably because the residents of Adamas have already tried fighting them. Event team members would not only act out specific fights, but maybe some of them would carry around teams of high-leveled Ursarings for actual battles. Notable bears include:
Ursaring #1: Not much to say about this one, just a standard aggressive, horny Ursaring.
Ursaring #2: A little bigger than Ursaring #1, but really just a standard aggressive, horny Ursaring.
Ursaring #3: This one is on an epic quest to find his wife and son and slay an evil wizard casting a dark spell over a faraway land. He's also a cop in the Ursaring community who's three days from retirement. None of this would show, however. Everyone else who's not a bear would see him as just a standard aggressive, horny Ursaring.
Ursaring #4: This one is shiny, and the other bears used to laugh and call him names. They also didn't let him participate in any Ursaring games. He's way more vicious. And larger. And he'll be harder to beat. He's far from being just a standard aggressive, horny Ursaring.
Ursaring #5: He hates Ursaring #2. I mean he really hates Ursaring #2. Otherwise, just a standard aggressive, horny Ursaring.
Ursaring #6: This one is actually a Ditto who forgot how to use Transform, rendering him an Ursaring forever. He's been through hell trying to adapt to Ursaring life, but years of shaping and molding have turned him into an Ursaring that any Ursaring parents would be proud of. Basically, it's a Ditto but looks and acts just like a standard aggressive, horny Ursaring.
Ursaring #7: This one is ginormous. He's the one that makes man and bear alike tremble before his might. Remember the fight at the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring where Sauron is swinging that mace willy-nilly and sweeping away foes that were half his size? That's this bear. This would probably be a final boss, as he's far from just a standard aggressive, horny Ursaring.
This event has nothing to do with anything. It's not part of a story arc or plot that will resurface later. It's just a mindless event in-between story arcs that'll give people a chance to flex their pixelmon and punch some bears in the face until they retreat.
Previous experiences: I have a lot of previous experience as a staff member on other servers, but as a roleplayer Toro is my first server. However, I've put in about 8 months here so I think I've got this rp thing down. Nobody's banned me yet, at least...
Tdf's ET-A App
- atonofkittys
- Posts: 539
- Joined: Mon May 19, 2014 10:20 am
- MC name: a_ton_of_kittys
Re: Tdf's ET-A App
WHELP, you have shown yourself time and time again to be an excellent role player and a great help to other players. I fully trust you to do your job to the best of your ability and go above and beyond. Without further ado, I am happy to say that this ET-A application has been...