News from the Church of Arceus

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News from the Church of Arceus

Post: # 17373Post cammy »

An article would be published in the most recent edition of the Toro Times!

After serving as the head of the Aurelia Church of Arceus' congregation for decades amongst the faith's most turbulent years as the Order of 1000 Arms dominated newlines and minds around the region, Father Ikiki Santiago has stepped down from his position with Sister Rina Dearea chosen as the new leader of the congregation going forward.

Ikiki shares a message,
Thank you all for all the support over these many years, the faith and kindness is all awe-inspiring. It's been a privilege and honor that I am ever grateful for. While I am retiring to spend my time with my beloved wife, *Juliet*, and with my son and his family, my faith remains strong, and I am confident this community will hold strong.
I know me and my family can rest easily, knowing that the incredibly kind, amazing, Sister Rina will be watching the church, and guiding you all forward. May Arceus' Grace bless all you and yours, and until we meet again - possibly on the waves!
Rina Dearea [47] | Arceist Bishop, Funny Mushroom Lady, Head Ranger | she/her
Faye Lancaster [28] | Bartender, Infernal Engine, Gym Leader | he/they
Kisho Okalani [38] | Fashion Model, Siren | she/her
Ashaqi Minyue [10] | Sunshine Girl | she/her
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