Toro Weapon Permits

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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 16724Post Dianamond2 »

Name: Lilith Devoir
((Minecraft Username)): Dianamond1
Address: Church 4, Aurelia
Which weapons do you intend to carry?: Weapon Class B (Knife over 3 inches)
Copy of Police Records: A copy of records and the plea bargan used during her Order Arc in ties with the RTMP as an undercover member are provided, as well as her one year time in prison under witness protection / serving time, including her community service towards Carmine for another year upon her return.
Copy of Psychiatric Records: Therapist for depression and anxiety. Psychiatrist prescribed anti-depressants. Medically sane / stable.
(A white envelope with a Gardevoir seal containing 8000 Pix is also delivered!)
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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 16725Post Jobob519 »

Accepting Lilith's license
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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 17134Post cammy »

Name: Faye Lancaster-Langley
((Minecraft Username)): cammy_cakers
Address: Since his house in Carmine lacks an address, he'd provide a business address to the Tipsy Mushroom which is registered in his name
Which weapons do you intend to carry? Class A and B and H
Copy of Police Records: Clean
Copy of Psychiatric Records: Diagnosed Antisocial Personality Disorder that he's been receiving therapy for. Multiple incidents of violent behavior as a teenager.
Please include a reason for every weapon category you've requested: He received a sword for his service at the Temple of Groudon, but plans to carry a more practical pocket knife for self-defense as he lives in a shady area.
Please Include with your permit a P8,000 processing fee. Included and mailed to the Tyrian RMTP department.
Last edited by cammy on Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:16 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 17158Post Nicolas6722 »

Name: Jean-Luc Barnier
((Minecraft Username)): Nico_DarkPit
Address: Kommo-o Lane 1
Which weapons do you intend to carry?
- A shield
- An exotic curved blade
- A bow
Copy of Police Records: None
Copy of Psychiatric Records: There was a long period of amnesia, from which he recovered almost all his memories. But that's all.
Please include a reason for every weapon category you've requested: Jean-Luc Barnier is keen to take up martial arts and various sports. He'll be using the shield on Ranger missions, or when he's called in as backup when Toro is in danger. The edged weapons and the bow will be used for physical training, gaining strength and spirit. These weapons are not intended for everyday use, and will only be worn in public during serious events. The purpose of this permit to carry edged weapons is more about passion and defending the people of Toro.

Please Include with your permit a P8,000 processing fee. There's an envelope with 8,000 pix in it.
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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 17159Post Jobob519 »

Faye and Jean-luc's permits have been approved
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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 17224Post Tatergolem »

Name: Fjolnir Everwinter
((Minecraft Username)): GolemWaffle
Address: Regiice 5
Which weapons do you intend to carry?: Spear
Copy of Police Records: None
Copy of Psychiatric Records:N one
Please include a reason for every weapon category you've requested: Weapon used for self defence and training within the RTMP job.
Please Include with your permit a P8,000 processing fee.: Yes
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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 17279Post Vernon »

Name: Netlia Ashwood
((Minecraft Username)): Netlia
Address: 1 Further Way, Viridis
Which weapons do you intend to carry? Class A weaponry
Copy of Police Records: A clean copy of police records would be provided.
Copy of Psychiatric Records: A clean bill of (mental) health!
Please include a reason for every weapon category you've requested: "I am a trained sword fighter, and like to practice out in open air environments that aren't necessarily "sanctioned" for training. I collect swords, and I also use them for self defense as an attempt on my life has been made more than once."
Please Include with your permit a P8,000 processing fee. [Included]
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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 17280Post Jobob519 »

Netlia's permit has been approved!
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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 17380Post Punkinator919 »

Name: Anneliese Clay
((Minecraft Username)): Punkinator919
Which weapons do you intend to carry? Sword
Copy of Police Records: Clean bill of records!
Copy of Psychiatric Records: Also a clean sheet, at most just mild anxiety.
Please include a reason for every weapon category you've requested: Self-Protection after multiple people have threatened my life, since I was like 6. And to keep training with my Keldeo!
Please Include with your permit a P8,000 processing fee.

8k Pix was given to Caleb during the years long exchange for finding Keldeo.
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Re: Toro Weapon Permits

Post: # 17381Post Jobob519 »

Annie has been accepted! Thank ya.
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