✰ Roll Modifiers

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✰ Roll Modifiers

Post: # 17189Post Rosy »

Roll Modifiers are completely optional, and not having them doesn’t mean your character is skilless or useless in situations. If you do have them though, modifiers allow you to express your character’s skill set more accurately though, and highlight both their strengths and weaknesses better in rolls!

This isn’t a TTRPG server, and we do expect people to RP things out appropriately instead of relying on rolling. Stats can just help balance encounters out and showcase each character’s differences better, but it shouldn’t overtake RP or Logic. If you roll a 20, that doesn’t mean you automatically do the impossible.

In Toro, we want roleplay to be freeform and usually in the control of players, not bogged down by mechanics and random chance. Rolling can be fun for people, but when used in general roleplay it can slow down the pace and make people who don’t like rolling feel like they have to roll as well to make things fair. In general, if you want to roll for certain actions, don’t expect other players to do the same unless discussed OOCly.
If there is an event, please only roll with your bonuses if specified / allowed by your DM!

Stats Overview

We will look at other factors such as their occupation, history, and anything relevant! However you should KEEP IN MIND THE CHARACTER’S CURRENT ABILITIES and HOW MUCH TIME to dedicate to various stats. EX: If your character is running businesses and stuff, even if they train regularly and such, they would have a hard time keeping up with all their paperwork and responsibilities AND staying in 100% perfect shape! However if someone is a Ranger, it’s fair enough to have them keep up a good stamina score!

[Strength] - Physical strength and brute force- pertains to things like throwing a punch, lifting things, pulling things, and things of that nature. This is offensive- taking a punch and being defensive is covered by stamina.

[Agility] - Speed and dexterity. This applies to dodging something, or jumping or diving out of the way, or anything that would require agility on the part of a character. This isn’t how long you can run for.

[Stamina] - Endurance and constitution. This applies to surviving a fall, not getting tired after lots of activity, taking a hit, or not getting sick! For example, If you have a low immune system, or lung problems, you wouldn’t have a lot of Stamina.

[Subtlety] - This is a roll for stealthiness. For example, trying to stay hidden and sneak around. This is not to be rolled for anything social, such as lying or disguises, we want you to RP that out.

[Perception] - This stat covers how well your character notices things, and even subtle details. You should think about what senses or skills they’re specifically good at. If your character has mixed levels of senses, such as bad eyesight, but good hearing, we expect you to put that in your Limitations, and still please RP it appropriately, no matter the skill roll.
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Joined: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:33 am
MC name: Rosy

Re: ✰ Roll Modifiers

Post: # 17190Post Rosy »

Specialty Stats:
A Specialty Stat is an additionally extra optional custom stat you can request for a specific special skill. These skills should be something that is rolled for in RP, and isn’t covered or more specialized than the base stats. Specialty stats cover things like specific combat training, athletic and physical specialties that don’t strictly fall under a certain stat, stuff that people typically may use in multiple events. This is generally more physical abilities, so no stuff like performances, certain knowledge, crafting, or social things; we expect people to RP those appropriately without rolls.

We will keep in mind other stats when looking at it to make sure they’re appropriate. For example, having a character skilled in wrestling but -1 on stamina might seem off and would be questioned!

You can only apply for it after at least a month of them being an active character.
We'd love to see good writing and justifications for this! Show us snippets of some related writing, explain their routines and training, or something else! You have a limit on Specialty Stats, and should be sure you one one.

Weapon Skills / Specific Martial Arts / Climbing / Swimming / Lassoing / Escape Artistry

Note that ‘Mixed Martial Arts’ will not be accepted as a Specialty stat due to how broad it is! Your character can do MMA of course, however for the case of this I’m going to ask that you narrow it down to just one of the main Martial Arts that make up their specific MMA style.

Finally keep in mind these are for special circumstances. Unlike the other roll bonuses, this is most likely a roll that many characters will not have. These are also rather useful, and complicated (more than the others, at least), and moreover uniquely derivative of past rp by your character. As such, there will be a higher bar for these roll bonuses. Not everyone needs one! Don’t worry about it if you don’t- it doesn’t even mean you’ll be any less effective in combat, necessarily.


Stuff isn’t a sum zero game and we don’t need it to equal out. Sometimes, it just doesn’t make sense! We just need to make sure your character isn’t perfect. There needs to there’s flaws or other things so the character is balanced. What sort of cases where your roll modifier might not apply, any ‘requirements’, or other situations or character aspects that might cause issues. This doesn’t even necessarily have to do with combat or is entirely roll based, it does need to be stuff that may come up though!

We won’t be asking for it all the time, if stuff seems ‘balanced’ or the modifiers are minor we might skip it! It’s especially important for characters where the scales might lean towards them being overpowered where we might look more for it, such as multiple positives, or +3s.

Limitations should be to counteract. Social stuff or negative behaviors would not count. We’re looking more for stuff that would affect your character physically. Strong phobias that have a chance of popping up in relevant scenarios would be acceptable, however simply disliking stuff may not.

Modifier Form:
Please make a #staff-misc ticket and link your profile, and tell us what you want for your rolls. Please wait for us to accept it, before adding it to your profile. A more updated profile can help us assess your character’s stats more though.
Remember: Rolls & Specialty Rolls especially are OPTIONAL
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