The Holova Region

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The Holova Region

Post: # 17057Post Tatergolem »

Real world equivalent
The Netherlands

Made by: GolemWaffle. Portalgunblaze
Nestled between the northern coasts of Schieferwald and Avalon, the Holova region unfolds as a compact yet captivating landscape. Stretching as far as the eye can see, its predominantly flat terrain invites exploration without the interruption of mountains or hills. This unique geography, coupled with its close proximity to the sea, lends a distinctive character to the region.

Within the coastal waters, a scattered collection of islands punctuates the seascape, adding an air of mystery and enchantment. These secluded landmasses, rich in folklore and teeming with unique flora and fauna, beckon explorers to uncover their secrets and immerse themselves in their tranquil beauty.

Holova's climate, embracing an oceanic temperament, paints the region with warm, sun-drenched summers and mild winters. Coastal breezes caress the land, moderating temperatures and creating an inviting atmosphere year-round. The gentle whispers of the wind carry the scent of saltwater and beckon residents and visitors alike to venture outdoors, where sun-kissed days inspire outdoor pursuits and the expansive countryside invites exploration.

Though the history of the region is filled with strife, turmoil and war, the mythological beginnings of the Holova region can almost be considered comedical where other regions’ myths are epic and self-aggrandizing. The story starts with Regigigas being tasked to craft the rough continent of Cidense into the right shape by Arcues. With its titanic might, it would mold the beautiful coasts of Kalos, shape the mountains of Schieferwald and separate Avalon from the rest of the continent.

After many moons of hard work, the titan would finally reach the end of its task, ready to show it’s creator what it had made. But in the last second, it realized it had forgotten about a single piece of land west of Schieferwald that was supposed to be a vast region, but was now nothing but a singular hill. Having no time to get Groudon to create more land, nor the will to ruin its perfectly shaped mountains in Schieferwald, the titan put all his strength into stretching that single hill as far out as he could. He stretched this hill deep into the sea, and then pushed it up just enough that it wouldn’t flood… That often.

With its task completed, Regigigas moved on from the now swampy land, reminding itself to one day come back and build the mountains the region desperately needed. It never did.

Early Holovan history, during what would nowadays be considered Pre-Medieval or Ancient times, was characterized mainly by small villages that had little to no trade between them. While the flat lands of Holova lended themselves well to agricultural development, the swampy nature of some of these lands, as well as the frequent floods, made settling any large cities such as the Avalonian city of Albion difficult. And while not possessing any mountains itself, the region was surrounded by its neighboring region’s mountains, making early inner-region trade difficult.

This led to the Holova region developing quite a unique culture. While this culture was of course affected and had an effect on Proto-Avalonian and Proto-Kalosian culture, the main cultural forces within the region were the Proto-Freesian and the Proto-Schieferwaldish cultures. While the Freesian culture was the one to eventually have the greatest influence on modern day Holovan culture, the Schieferwaldish Culture of course had a far greater effect on Holova’s neighboring region, but still influences the Holova region to this day in minor ways. The similarities between the two regions has caused some to refer to the regions as ‘brother regions’, unique, but inherently linked.

We see the first semblance of a Holova region begin around the year 200, when developments in technology allowed the region as a whole to change in ways no one could have predicted. Through a mixture of Windmill technology, as well as the help of certain Pokemon such as the Golurk line, large uninhabitable sections of the Holova region were made habitable. Swamps and lakes were dried up, with new villages and cities being built where they once stood. This sudden large increase in workable land also caused a boom within the agricultural industry, and with that the region’s population.

Certain texts recovered from this time describe windmills moving on their own when there was no wind, and smaller windmills even lifting off the ground and floating away.

This sudden increase in population led to the creation of the first Holovan cities, many of which still remain to this day. Though only one modern city still has it’s, nearly all of these cities were walled and self-governed. Though in time, small nations or provinces would begin to form in the region. However, this also caused the region to catch the attention of several other regions.

Through the next few hundred years, the Holova region would find itself in troubled times. The region would be taken over several times by its neighboring regions. Some would rule indirectly over the city states of the region, while others would attempt to conform the region into following their culture. The constant conquering of their region by hostile powers, as well as their attempts to have a different culture or religion forced upon them, lead the Holovan culture to heavily idealize and promote ideas of freedom, freedom of religion and freedom of culture.

It also inspired and helped foster the Holovan ship-making and nautical industries, with Holovan ships being among the best in the world.

After the Kalosian revolution, and the Kalosian Empire’s subsequent conquest to once again take over Holova, the citizens of Holova finally had enough. The Holovan citizens would revolt against their rulers and begin to distance themselves and their culture as much as possible. Though the Holovan culture preached freedom of religion, one of the ways the

The different Holovan provinces would come together and officially form the Holova region during this time. Representatives of the different provinces would come together and instate a ‘Keeper of the State’, who essentially functioned and would eventually become the Monarch of the region. The first keeper of the state was Wilhelm the Lion, or more commonly known as ‘Wilhelmus of the Pyroar’. Though the position of Keeper of the State was never one that was meant to be passed down like a monarchical title, after the assassination of Wilhelm by Kalosian agents, his son took over the region to be able to avenge his father, and with this set the precedent that would eventually lead to the monarchy.

Soon after would follow the Golden Age of the Holova region. During the 600s to 700s, Holova would settle many different trading posts around the world, including the Orange Islands, the Alola region and a small colony city that would eventually be traded to the Avalonians and one day become Castelle City. The Holova region would devolve from a monarchy into a monarchy-backed corporatocracy, with its largest state-owned company ‘The United Spice Company’ or the USC for short, being the most valuable company in the history of the world. That was, until the creation of PixCo of course. During this time, Holovan culture would also begin to be heavily influenced by Alolan and Orange Island culture.

After the end of its Golden Age, it seemed like the Holova region was simply going to slowly settle into being a modern democracy, like the nations surrounding it, and eventually get rid of its monarchy. That was, until the Great war. Holova was amongst the first nations to be occupied by the Schieferwaldish forces during the early stages of the war. Though the small region fought valiantly, after the total bombing of one of its cities, it was forced to surrender or else its other cities would meet the same fate.

During this time, another major group in Holovan history would be founded. After becoming a national hero by killing a Schieferwaldish Soldier known as ‘The Mad Houndoom of the Trenches’, Sir Reginald the Second would be the first soldier to be knighted in over a hundred years, and form his own order of knights known as ‘The Holovan Knights of the Honourable Lady’ or the Holovan Knights for short. This order of Knights would protect and die for the Queen as she escaped to the Toro region. Though both peace and the Queen would return to the region at the end of the war, the Holovan Knights would remain.

The duties of the Holovan knights were simple. Having seen what it was like for freedom to be taken away from them, the Holovan Knights would vow to never let their citizens be controlled like that anymore, and to always protect the Queen. Though the royal family had no actual political power anymore, the Holovan knights viewed them, and the Queen, as the cultural backbone of the region. If power were to corrupt, but the Holovan family would stay uncorrupted, the Knights would know the region was safe and in good hands. And once again, the Holovan Knights and the royal family may have faded into history, if it had not been for the Assassination of Queen Sophia the Third.

One Winter morning, in 1049, only 50 years after the end of the Great War, Queen Sophia the Third held a public fundraising event for victims of a recent war across the other side of the world. By her side was the now 80 year old Sir Reginald the Second, supporting both his Queen and the anti-war sentiment. As Queen Sophia went to receive a gift from a young girl, a man in the crowd pulled out a pistol and shot the young Queen three times, the third shot being a fatal shot to the heart. Soon after, the region would devolve into chaos. The young Prince Roderick would be sent to live in the Toro region for sometime while investigations took place.

However, the official investigation led to only dead ends and dead suspects. To Sir Reginald, it became clear there was a grand conspiracy behind this assassination. Using the growing public unrest and sense of injustice, Sir Reginald grew the Holovan Knights to become a considerable faction, and with its power began his own investigation. This investigation would uncover the major political party at the time, as well as Premier Albert de Graaf, to be behind the assassination. Though details are sparse, it seemed Queen Sophia was on the brink of discovering a money laundering and fraud scheme perpetuated by Premier Albert.

Finding out that not only had the current government killed the Queen, but they had also been stealing tax-payer money, while public projects went unfinished because of a lack of a budget, caused a total collapse of trust in the Holovan government. During this time, the King of the region passed away, and his title could fall to either of his children. His son Roderick, or his daughter Ida.

With the support of the Holovan Knights, Ida not only claimed the throne for herself, but also reinstated the monarchy’s original power and removed the current government. 20 years after the assassination of her mother, Queen Ida the First would sign the executive order confirming the execution of former Premier de Graaf.

With this, Holovan culture shifted immensely. The Holovan Knights have now replaced both the military and the police, and answer directly to the Queen herself. The country as a whole has become more efficient, but citizens have hardly any influence in how they’re ruled. However, with the Queen ruling quite intelligently, she has surprisingly few critics. Or… Perhaps her critics can’t speak up for one reason or another. Who knows~

Troubles once again loom on the horizon for the region as Queen Ida’s reaching old age, and seems to be ready to finally give up her throne. Though, to which of her children she will be willing to give it, and how they might shape the region going forward, is of this moment unknown.

In the enchanting realm of Holova, the Golemist faith holds a cherished place in the hearts of its inhabitants. The Golemists, devout followers of Regigigas, the mighty legendary Pokémon often associated with the creation and control of golems, are revered for their profound connection to the earth and their unwavering devotion to the balance between nature and human existence.

Towns and Cities
In the picturesque land of Tulpolder, nestled amidst the verdant beauty of the region, a remarkable city emerged from the depths of a once-vibrant lake. Tulpolder City, renowned as the resident flower city, stood as a captivating oasis in a world teeming with whimsy and wonder. Its location within the dried-up basin of the lake spoke of a profound transformation, where nature's resilience and the ingenuity of its inhabitants converged in harmonious flower fields.

As one approached Tulpolder City, a kaleidoscope of colors unfolded before their eyes. Sprawling tulip fields, stretching as far as the eye could see, painted the landscape in vibrant hues, creating a mesmerizing mosaic of beauty. Each step through the city's streets felt like a dance among petals, as if the very essence of nature embraced visitors in its delicate embrace.

In the northern reaches of the captivating region of Holova, a city stood as a bastion of unexpected religious devotion. Beelderk, a city encircled by the majestic flow of a vast river, held a deep reverence for the ancient Pokémon Regigigas. Its people, known as Golemists, regarded the colossal creature as a divine being, and their city flourished as a center of faith amidst a region not commonly associated with religious fervor.

As one approached Beelderk, the distant sound of hymns carried on the breeze, drawing curious travelers to the city's sanctuary. The Church of Golemist, a magnificent structure adorned with intricate carvings of Regigigas and its golem companions, dominated the city's skyline. It served as a hallowed place where the faithful congregated, seeking communion with their chosen deity.

The Golemists of Beelderk believed that Regigigas, the mighty Pokémon said to have shaped mountains and created continents, embodied the very essence of strength, endurance, and guardianship. They revered the Pokémon as a god, attributing the balance and harmony of their city and its surroundings to its divine influence.

the western expanse of the captivating continent, a formidable city stood as a testament to history and strength. The Walled City, a grand bastion-like structure, rose majestically, its towering walls invoking a sense of awe and wonder. Home to the renowned Holovan Knights, this ancient city held a rich heritage, reminiscent of the walled cities that dotted the annals of their history

As one approached the Walled City, the clinking of armor and the distant sound of jousting tournaments filled the air, lending an air of excitement and adventure to the surroundings. The city's architecture, adorned with intricate stone carvings and adorned with vibrant banners, evoked a renaissance fair-like feeling—a homage to the grandeur of a bygone era.

Inside the protective embrace of the city walls, a bustling marketplace bustled with life. Artisans, craftsmen, and performers transported visitors to a time of knights and noble chivalry. Stallholders traded their wares—armor, swords, and finely crafted trinkets—while minstrels entertained the crowds with melodious tunes and whimsical tales.

In the southern reaches of the captivating region, a vibrant city thrived at the crossroads of multiple regions. This city, bordering the renowned regions of Kalos and Schieferwald, stood as a beacon of knowledge, diversity, and cultural exchange. Known as Erfeum, it embodied the essence of a classic student city, resembling a sprawling campus that spanned both sides of a magnificent river. As one entered Sylvaria, the energy of youthful enthusiasm filled the air. The city's streets bustled with a diverse array of students and trainers from far and wide, each bringing their unique perspectives, traditions, and Pokémon companions. The cultural tapestry woven within Sylvaria painted a vivid picture of harmonious coexistence and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

The city's prominent feature, the grand river that flowed through its heart, served as both a scenic backdrop and a central meeting point for its inhabitants. Bridges connected the two sides of the city, inviting leisurely strolls and fostering connections between individuals from different backgrounds. The riverside became a hub of activity, with groups gathering to trade stories, share experiences, and engage in friendly Pokémon battles.

Grachterdam, the capital of the Holova region, stood as a testament to its rich history and vibrant present. As the first city founded in the region, it held the esteemed title of capital, its significance deeply rooted in the foundations of Holova itself. The city sprawled majestically, seamlessly merging with the surrounding smaller towns, creating an urban tapestry that was both diverse and interconnected. Among the notable landmarks was the grand Royal Palace, an imposing structure that not only housed the esteemed royal family but also held great political significance. Visitors marveled at its opulence, immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of the region's royal heritage.

Beyond the grandeur of the Royal Palace, Grachterdam offered a diverse array of experiences. The echoes of the Great War reverberated through the city, with poignant sites and memorials paying homage to the region's history. The city embraced a vibrant nightlife.

The Royal Spring Palace
Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscape of Holova, the Royal Spring Palace stood as a magnificent testament to the rich history and regal elegance of the region. This sprawling palace, adorned with grandeur and surrounded by a sprawling, meticulously maintained garden, served as the esteemed residence of the Royal Family of Holova.
A particular treasure within the Royal Spring Palace was the Hall of Heroes, an expansive chamber steeped in history and adorned with golden statues. This grand hall served as a tribute to the valiant heroes of Holova's past, whose exploits and sacrifices shaped the region's destiny. Each statue depicted an important figure from Holova's rich tapestry of legends—be it mighty warriors, noble defenders, or visionary leaders. The Hall of Heroes stood as a solemn reminder of the courage and resilience that had safeguarded the region for generations.

Maréndel, a bustling city nestled on the shores of Holova, stood as a testament to the power of resilience and progress. Renowned as the largest port town in the world, it served as the main hub for Holova's import and export activities, facilitating the flow of goods and fostering economic prosperity. In contrast to the historical charm of Grachterdam, Maréndel embraced a contemporary allure. The city, having been largely destroyed during the Great War, seized the opportunity to rebuild and reimagine itself. With no old buildings to preserve, Maréndel underwent a remarkable transformation, embracing a modern aesthetic and innovative design. Maréndel's revival after the war extended beyond its physical reconstruction. The city embraced innovation and progress, investing in sustainable practices and eco-friendly initiatives. Parks and green spaces intertwined with the urban fabric, providing a breath of fresh air and promoting a harmonious coexistence between nature and urban life.

In the vibrant realm of Holova, a tapestry of diverse cultures intertwines, forming a rich and unique cultural heritage. The essence of Holovan culture reflects a profound appreciation for craftsmanship, artistic expression, and a deep-rooted connection to the land.

Throughout the region, skilled artisans create masterpieces that transcend time, showcasing their expertise in intricate woodwork, delicate ceramics, and vibrant textiles. The streets come alive with bustling marketplaces, where locals and visitors alike indulge in the beauty of handcrafted goods, from exquisite pottery to finely woven fabrics.

Music and dance reverberate through the air, igniting the spirit of celebration and unity. Traditional melodies and rhythmic movements transport onlookers to a realm of joy and collective harmony. The echoes of ancient folklore and storytelling capture the imagination, passing down tales of heroes, mythical creatures, and the enduring human spirit.

Food, an integral part of Holovan culture, tantalizes the taste buds with flavors that evoke a sense of nostalgia and home. Local delicacies, crafted with passion and passed down through generations, pay homage to the bountiful harvests of the region. From hearty stews simmered slowly to melt-in-your-mouth pastries filled with seasonal fruits, every bite tells a story of the land's abundance and the culinary prowess of its people.

Kings day
In the enchanting realm of Holova, there exists a grand celebration known as Kings Day, a jubilant homage to the legendary Pokémon who embodies strength, guardianship, and the indomitable spirit of the land. This cherished occasion, akin to a royal coronation, unites the people in a joyous revelry that transcends generations.

As Kings Day dawns upon the region, the streets come alive The day begins with a majestic procession, led by the reigning monarch and followed by a parade of intricately designed floats, each depicting a different aspect of Regigigas and its Titans legendary power and benevolence. Enthusiastic cheers erupt from the crowds as the floats pass by, filling the air with a palpable energy and a sense of awe.

In the heart of the city, a grand fair unfolds, reminiscent of a bustling marketplace filled with joyful laughter and the tantalizing aromas of delicious treats. Vendors offer an array of delights, from traditional sweets and savory dishes to unique crafts and souvenirs inspired by Regigigas's legendary might.

Throughout the day, performances showcasing the region's rich artistic heritage take center stage. Dancers twirl with grace, their movements evoking the power and grace of Regigigas. Musicians fill the air with melodies that resonate deep within the souls of those in attendance, stirring emotions and fostering a collective sense of unity.

Regigigas Day in Holova is more than just a celebration—it is a testament to the profound connection between the people, their land, and the legendary Pokémon who embodies their collective spirit. It is a time to reflect on the strength, resilience, and unity that have shaped the region's history and continue to guide its future. Through this grand festival, Holovans pay homage to Regigigas, their revered guardian, and celebrate the extraordinary bond between humans and Pokémon that defines their culture.
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