Gamer's ET Application bay bee

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Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:39 pm
MC name: ___Alrex

Gamer's ET Application bay bee

Post: # 15107Post Gamer »

Preferred Name: Gamer
MC Username: ___Alrex
Age: 18
Time Zone: EST
Number of hours available: 12
How long you have been playing on Toro League: uhhhhhhhh November 2nd 2020

Why do you want to join Event Team?: I want to help as much as possible and I’m totally free every day so if I can just help someone on ET who's really stressed and has to write something up and I can also write it up for them and make them not extra stressed, that's exactly what I want.
What can you bring to this team?: Probably nothing unique, but an extra brain in the ol thinkin chamber throwing out ideas until one sticks might be perfect. I don’t get stressed, like at all, so I’ll be the perfect chill person on the squad B). And who knows? Maybe some of my ideas are actually unique, and everybody likes ‘em. I have experience in making/spitballing/running events before, so I can help with that. I’m good with redstone, though my skills are a bit lacking in the build department (I don’t have much creativity when it comes to that, and I have no clue how bits and chisels work but I'm good with directions). I also know the essential pixelmon commands and commands in general, having experience running a pixelmon server.
What is one weakness that might hinder your ability to work on the team?: If I say an idea that I think is really funny, I will try to find a way to get it to work, and spend more time on that idea than I should because I think it’ll be funny
Have you run/helped run any Toro events before?: No, but I did run and help run events for another RP server I was in. Stuff like Kraken fights and rescue missions, to a siege on a dictator's castle and a revolution.
Have you helped with any other parts of the event process?: No, but see above. Once again, I ran events in a little adventurers guild I ran in another RP server.
Are you capable of running or helping in events with a higher number of people: Yes, The most number of people I can handle is about 20.
Are you capable of running combat-oriented events?: Yupp! It’s what I started out with actually, though not pixelmon combat, I can handle that though!

Now, create an event and write at least a one paragraph summary.

Oh no! A wild Magby was spotted suddenly in the forest near Canvas! More and more sightings suggest an entire family of Magby, Magmar, and Magmortar have appeared in the forest by Canvas! How could they have gotten there? A question for later, they’re accidentally causing fires and we need to safely move them to a safer spot to live!

So, this event starts with a radio broadcast of magby sightings near canvas, and when the players arrive in canvas they smell something burning from the forest, as well as seeing smoke from the forest. Looks like a job for the rangers! Lets get some rangers on patrol to help, and any player can help take out the fires. Props needed are fire that will spread if not stopped, magby and its evolution line since that's what the players are after, and some wild pokemon being terrorized by the accidental fires.

We’ll go through this event through the eyes of a basic player. Nobody special, not a ranger, not a well known trainer, just a guy who happens to have a water type pokemon on hand.

(1) First emote should be to notify the rangers of the fire and the sighting of the magby and its evolution line
(2) If there aren’t any rangers on the scene, the trainer would send out there water type pokemon and try to calm down the fire.
(3) When the rangers arrive, their goal should be putting the magmortar and magmar to sleep, there's 1 magmortar, 2 magmar, and 2 magby. Priority of putting a pokemon to sleep should be magmortar first, then the magmar, then the magby
(4) Once the magmortar and magmar are asleep, the rangers and trainers should safely put out the fire. If the sleep fails, the magmortar will be angry that people are encroaching on it and its family, so it will go to protect its group in a non hostile way first. Any signs of aggression, like pokemon facing them in a rude way will be met with magmortar attacking that pokemon looking at them wrong, so our guy would keep a low profile, not focus on them and focus on the fire.
(5) The event could go two ways at this point, a fight to pacify a magmortar, or a firefight. Our guy will be a part of the firefight, using water when he can. When fighting the fire, there should be no flying type moves used, or the fire will spread. Instead, there should be just water moves, either used in a way to isolate the fire, or used directly at the base of the fire. While the trainers do that, the rangers would get the wild pokemon used to this area to safety, then would tend to the magby evolution line. When fighting the magmortar, using any attacking moves on it would only make it and its magmar children more angry, so the better option would be to attempt to calm it down, then put it to sleep again.
(6) The peaceful firefight can be fully stopped with more water attacks on the base of the fire, while the rangers finally get all wild pokemon to safety. The shift of the rangers then turn to the sleeping magby evolution line, and how to move them. If one was to fly them out, how would they carry the magmortar and magmar? How did they even get there in the first place? Should we catch them, then release them back into their habitat? Yes, that last one works perfectly, they’ll be a bit miffed and mad when they get released that you caught them in the first place, but you’ll have moved them back to their habitat, so that's all that matters. If they are fighting the magby evo line, they have to deal with magmortar, two magmars, and a forest fire all at the same time! At that point peace won't really be an option, so sadly knocking it out would be the course of action.
(7) Fighting 3 fire pokemon in a forest while there's another fire going off and you need to protect wild pokemon all at the same time is a major handful, but it can be done with only a couple of trees being burnt, such is the sacrifice for attacking a magmortar during a forest fire. They aren’t defensive, but they will pack a mean punch, going for the trainers pokemon, while also igniting the dry ground around them! A drizzle or rain dance would be a perfect way to minimize the damages. So our guy would set up a Rain Dance!
(8) While the magmortar and magmar are wild, the magmortar does have fire punch, and if people catch on they could figure out the magmortar was actually released by a trainer, and somehow got a family of 4 (my man B)). The other moves it has are just basic moves like lava plume and flamethrower, and the magmar don't have anything special either. Once the magby evo line is defeated the attention returns to the fire and wild pokemon, so ideally the trainers would fight and the rangers would help the wild pokemon, then after they would go for the fire. If not done this way the fire would spread to nearby bird nests and cause a problem, so our guy would probably say something to the rangers about it.
(9) Once the fire is stopped the same question as before remains, how will they move the pokemon? Our guy will have done all he can, but he’ll still stay and try to suggest something, maybe he’ll suggest catching the pokemon, then releasing it in its habitat! Once the group agrees on that they go ahead and do that, while the rangers decide if they want to take the magmortar knowing fire punch to the RTMP.
(10) Once the Magmortar has been moved, our guy is done! Congrats, he can have a celebratory fire fighter badge! And a celebratory ranger pin! (not actually a part of the rangers) If the RTMP decided to investigate, they would have no evidence. It would just come up as someone had a magmortar at one point and released it a long time ago and they started a family and a fire in canvas. Sadly, whoever did it would go unfound, unless someone knows a sinister man named Cygnus Apollo, and they have proof that he used a Magmortar at some point. Yeah, he totally released the magmortar, but who will ever find proof of that? Who knows?
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Re: Gamer's ET Application bay bee

Post: # 15143Post Rosy »

Thanks for applying! As you already know, and went through with your interview- you'll be put under a trial position to see if it's right for you! We appreciate all the help you've been offering us, even before this, and think your enthusiasm is pretty darn cool. goodjob!!

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