Toro Premier Debates - Round 9

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Re: Toro Premier Debates - Round 9

Post: # 13562Post Foska »

Caecilia would smile at Vincent's refreshingly calm question, welcoming it as a breath of fresh air. "Thank you for your question Sir, as you said I stated in my platform that our infrastructure has been neglected, a word I chose very carefully because as you said past Premier's have done some work infrastructure. They did not entirely forget it, but due to a myriad of reasons including the looming shadow of team Noir, infrastructure was not the forefront of their plans. If it were up to me every Premier would have launched as many public projects as you have. I want to grow Toro, and keeping its infrastructure on the cutting edge is a key element of that, if I didn't focus on it we'd quickly find ourselves stagnating which is the gravest danger our little region faces." she'd take a deep breath, continuing on "As for the national parks. All though some already exist, I seek to expand them more in order to maintain the majesty of our nation, and ensure that our progeny can appreciate it. Moreover I would like to promote them more, for the betterment of the general welfare. I'd like to establish more play areas for children, and educational programs in the already existing parks as well as the newly founded parks in order to ensure that jobs are being made, and that we are seeing outside tourism. I think the expansion of our national parks would be nothing but good for the region."

"Ultimately Doctor LeGrand, Toro has grown rapidly and as Premier I aim to ensure that this growth continues, while protecting the poor because the region has grown accustomed to the many benefits of this growth, and were it to stop we'd see an economic depression much like the one the world experienced before the onset of the great war."
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Re: Toro Premier Debates - Round 9

Post: # 13563Post Rosy »

When Netlia left, a moderator ran out after them, making sure everything was okay, and leaving Kiori to handle things. Returning soon after Ceci answered Vincent, the man returns and walks up to Ceci. The two shared a quick, two sentence conversation before the man went to the moderator table and speaks up.
" Alright, we know it is not the scheduled time, but I think that's enough questions for now. It would be unfair to continue without Mrs. Ross, and we think it'd be bad taste to keep this going on.
She is fine, but she will not be returning to the stage. For those that wish to ask either of the candidates questions, or have concerns and complaints, please contact them and their team!
For now, goodnight, and thank you for coming out. "

The moderator would proceed to cut off the mic in case of anybody randomly running up, and goes to usher people out in a timely, and calm fashion.

(( Foska will have another topic to continue questions , sorry for the inconvenience, but for now, in RP, it seems REALLY weird to continue on. Plus, that topic won't be so rules-heavy/moderated by me at least. ))

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