Prettying up Profiles! [W.I.P]

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Joined: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:33 am
MC name: Rosy

Prettying up Profiles! [W.I.P]

Post: # 12638Post Rosy »

Hi, I thought it'd be nice to discuss how to make a pretty profile ( in my own opinion of course, eye of the beholder and all that ) and some quite ways you could add to the appearances of your CP! Naturally the content of the CP is the important part, so don't think about slacking on your writing because you have pretty graphics! I've just always found joy in styling my character's profiles to fit around a character, maybe it is just me, because i'm a dork, but I want others to feel the same sort of odd joy!
◇ Colors_ _ _
Get a theme going! Stick with darker colors so it is readable on every theme, please! Plain black is still great to use though, and for many of my profiles I stick the color on just certain words to make them pop out! If you plan on having all your text be colored though, I suggest adding a second color into the mix to make it easier to read - maybe a darker varient of the original color, or even something different! Play around with it!
( You can use a site that replaces text with another text to make it as effortless as possible. )
◇ Alignment_ _ _
No, not like good, neutral, or chaotic, I mean like centering your text! Centering your text is one of the easiest ways to make your profile stand out from a simple profile. If you want to put some effort though, you can mix it up! For longer paragraphs ( good for histories and personalities ) you can un-center it - ( you can see this on Stelle's & Darrius' profile. )- to give it some shape! If you're fancy you can use images too.
I am more fond of the list code though, giving you a slight nudge instead of completely centering it, giving you better control over your profile's alignment. The best part is that you can stack the lists on and onn!
  • Like
    • this!
      • weeee
        • eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Code: Select all

[list]Like [list]this! [list]weeee[list]eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee[/list][/list][/list][/list]
Or if you want to control it exactly to the pixel, use the [indent] code! Check out the BCCode Formatting Guide for a full explanation.
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