The 10th Candy Festival!
Running from: October 19th - November 2nd
Costume Contest! - Saturday, November 2 - 5:30pm ESTLocated on the route between Aurelia and Cobalt, the Candy Festival springs to life! Goblins and ghouls roam the streets of the Monster Village, and candy consumes and overtakes the environment in the Candy Circus! Special trainers, activities, and even a new (and even more difficult) level of the maze await, as well as events hosted throughout the duration of the festival - and of course, the free candy that the festival is most known for! Along with these, there may be random mini-events during the days at various times. So don't worry about missing anything, because there will always be more! People are encouraged to dress in costume, though not required - all are welcome to enjoy the sweets!
It's time to bring forth a frightening performance at the Candy Festival Costume Contest! This will be a test of your creativity with your costume, and your synergy with up to three Pokemon to bring forth a truly terrifying show!
Round 1: Introductions
This will be a SHORT round where each performer will present themselves to the judge and audience, taking the role of the costume they have chosen to wear!
This will also be an opportunity to reveal the Pokemon you'll be performing with as well. This is where the judges and audience are looking to see who looks the coolest, most beautiful, cutest, most clever, or toughest - all depending on what you're going for! Judging will not be based on the type of costume, nor it's quality, so feel free to wear what you'd like, just try to have it relate to your costume/performance!
Round 2: Performance!
Here is where you'll put on a performance worthy of the Candy Festival season! You're allowed to use whatever moves or techniques you'd like to put on a show - though keep in mind that a large factor in your performance will be whether it relates to the costume you're wearing or not! So do your best to make good synergy between you, your outfit, and your Pokemon partners!
Prewriting Emotes - To make sure everyone gets a chance to shine, please prewrite your emotes. We suggest Google Docs, and if you want to be fancy, test it a bit in game! We want to keep things fresh and exciting, so no last-minute entries or repeated songs or performances—let’s keep the energy up and the creativity flowing!
Time Limit: 10 minutes!
(( Though go for QUALITY over Length! People's attention spans can't follow for that long! ))
Prizes: Every contest, a new unique Candy Item - from Candy Weapon - to Candy Tool is given to the Contest winners!
Additionally, they win 35kPix, a Ribbon, and a unique mark for their Pokemon!
Each Participant gets 8kP & 25bp & the rare Candy Licorice!
Everybody in the event - from the participants, to audience, additionally get a unique souvenir for that year, and the usual texture items! [ Black Licorice & Candy Potion ]
Tournament! - Friday, October 25 - Tournament- 5:30pm EST?
Rules to be announced!