Staff Changes!

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Posts: 1127
Joined: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:33 am
MC name: Rosy

Staff Changes!

Post: # 13124Post Rosy »

Heya! Just popping in to say there is some changes to our staff & event team that doesn't really affect everybody, but might be best to explain and announce anyways! We are merging ET together, that means there will be a single app to fill in now. We found no point in the boundaries, as we had already encouraged everybody to do all the jobs involved in an event, from building, to coordinating, and to acting. The ET will get to choose their on colored tag, though most opted to keep theirs.
You can find the new Application for ET [here]!

In addition, FMs or Forum Moderators are being changed to Community Moderators! You may have noticed this already if you kept your eyes on the forums, and if so, congrats, you get bragging rights.
You can read about them and find the app [here]!

Also the other apps for PR & AT have been updated to fit with the other apps better. Please take a peek at them if you're interested!

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