Sunny's Great Interviews: The First.

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MC name: kcband36

Sunny's Great Interviews: The First.

Post: # 6090Post kcband36 »

A Cobalt Exclusive Interview:
“Helloooo Sunny folks of Cobalt and Toro, Sunny here with a special interview! I have none other than the sexy mustached man himself, Vinnnccccenttt LEGRAND!” Sunny shouts the name of the man with such enthusiasm.

A soft laugh can be heard as Sunny stops and a familiar voice begins to flow through the radio. “Thank you Sunny, I appreciate the enthusiasm you have. Much better than the enthusiasm Jimmy has up in Aurelia.”

Swiftly Sunny responds in a deeper voice while trying to be seductive, “Well honey, if you think my enthusiasm is that good, you should see how good it is in be-”

Vincent tries to then over talk Sunny, a hint of fear is in his voice. “SO! Sunny, lets pour that enthusiasm into this interview shall we?”

Sunny then continues the failing seductive voice as he breaths into the microphone. “Honey, I would pour anything for you. Now, I and many other listeners have been wondering… why are so many pixelmon in locations they haven’t been in before? For example you… I haven’t seen that hairy caterpie in my station for awhile.”

With an audible clearing of the throat, the interviewee answers the question. “Well Sunny… this phenomenon isn’t one we haven’t seen before. Like in the past, pixelmon are moving to new locations for numerous things… better resources, more food, or even better views! Not only us humans want that!” A small laugh can be heard before Vincent continues, “But this time it seems a bit more drastic… Up near Sableye Crag there has been a severe drop in temperature, and even up near the Volcano on Granite Island there has been major reports of snowfall.”

With a frightened voice Sunny finally interjects in the interview. “Oh my! Thats way too cold for ol’ Hot Sunny! What could be causing his Mister Mustache?!”

A groan can be heard from Vincent as he answers the frightened man. “It could be caused by numerous things, global warming… pixelmon… or some other natural occurrence. If we want to find out the true answer we will need more time and to study the environmental patterns of the affect areas.”

A clap can be heard loudly from the radio as Vincent finishes. “Bravo! Bravo! Sunny did love this interview! Is there anything else Mister Mustachio want’s to say about this topic?”

Another loud groan can be heard as well as a soft grumble. “If you call me another mustache name…” Vincent then tries to fake a happy tone. “Oh! There is one more thing I wanted Torons to know! There will be a special astronomical event taking place shortly, the planetary alignment.. but most people know it as The Year of the Shadow King! There used to be an old prophecy but I can’t remember it off the top of my head… BUT! Be sure to decorate for the upcoming holiday, I am sure things will be very spoooooOoooky!”

Sunny’s voice now sounds even more frightened than before. “EEEeekkk! Please Mister Mustachio! Why tell our views of such a scary thing!! T-This is all folks, S-Sunny o-o-OUT!” The interview finally finishes and the latest tunes begin to play.

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